Helen Waddell

Standard Name: Waddell, Helen
Birth Name: Helen Waddell
HW , an early twentieth-century scholar in the field of medieval studies and especially Latin verse, was the author of scholarly monographs and translations (from Chinese as well as Latin), and of plays, articles, reviews, short fictions based on the Bible, religious writings, newspaper columns . . . and personal letters.
Waddell, Helen. “Acknowledgements; Note; Introduction”. Between Two Eternities, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993, pp. viii - ix, 1.
She acquired fame in her lifetime as a popular historian of the period she studied, and her lyrics have had an unusually strong appeal for composers of song-settings.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Fictionalization Héloïse
This fictional tradition continued through Helen Waddell 's Peter Abelard, A Novel, 1933 (which has been several times reprinted), up to Suzanne Bernard 's Le roman d'Héloïse et Abélard, 2001.
Friends, Associates Mildred Cable
During this time in England they met Helen Waddell , who was just savouring the first months of her literary fame. She called them [t]he Gobi Three and reported them to be so good and...
Friends, Associates Susan Miles
During her years at Bloomsbury, UR met the many distinguished literary figures who were either parishioners or readers at fund-raising events, like T. S. Eliot , John Middleton Murry , Edith Sitwell , Wilfrid Meynell
Reception Charlotte Smith
Smith's Manon had an indifferent reception and weak sales.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. The Works of Charlotte Smith, edited by Michael Garner et al., Pickering and Chatto, 2005, p. xxix - xxxvii.
The three contemporary reviews, all mixed, all expressed anxiety about the work's moral effect.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. The Works of Charlotte Smith, edited by Michael Garner et al., Pickering and Chatto, 2005, p. xxix - xxxvii.
A later translation by Helen Waddell , 1931, provided the...
Reception Rose Macaulay
The book did well in Britain (the Times Literary Supplement called it in many respects a brilliant piece of work),
qtd. in
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.
but it sank with scarcely a ripple in the USA.
Macaulay, Rose. Letters to a Friend from Rose Macaulay 1950-1952. Editor Babington Smith, Constance, Fontana, 1968.
Residence Stella Benson
During this visit to London, SB met many cultural, political, and social figures, including Wyndham Lewis (who drew a sketch of her), David Garnett , Kingsley Martin , Charles Morgan , Phyllis Bottome ,...
Textual Production Mildred Cable
A Desert Journal, Letters From Asia, 1934, which collects personal letters sent home during a period of years by MC and both French sisters, is a precursor to their great success, The Gobi Desert...
Textual Production Rumer Godden
RG wrote part of this novel in a caravan after her house burned down. She worked on it for five years, and her new part-time secretary retyped it many times.
Godden, Rumer. A House with Four Rooms. Macmillan, 1989.
She wrote in response...
Textual Production Storm Jameson
Jameson had been approached by the Ministry of Information once the USA had entered World War II, for suggestions on how to cement Anglo-American relations.
Jameson, Storm. Journey from the North. Harper and Row, 1970.
The resulting volume includes work by Phyllis Bentley ,...


No timeline events available.


Robin, Guy. A French Soldier Speaks. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1941.
Waddell, Helen. “Acknowledgements; Note; Introduction”. Between Two Eternities, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993, pp. viii - ix, 1.
Gibbings, Robert. Beasts and Saints. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1934.
Waddell, Helen. Between Two Eternities. Editor Corrigan, Felicitas, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993.
Waddell, Helen, and Charlotte Charke. “Editorial Note to the New Edition”. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, Constable, 1929, pp. 7-10.
“Introduction”. More Latin Lyrics from Virgil to Milton, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, translated by. Helen Waddell, Victor Gollancz, 1980, pp. 11-33.
Milton, John. Lament for Damon. Translator Waddell, Helen, Privately printed, 1943.
Lyrics from the Chinese. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1913.
Mediaeval Latin Lyrics. Translator Waddell, Helen, Fourth Edition, Constable, 1933.
Medieval Latin Lyrics. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1929.
More Latin Lyrics from Virgil to Milton. Editor Corrigan, Felicitas, Translator Waddell, Helen, Victor Gollancz, 1976.
More Latin Lyrics from Virgil to Milton. Editor Corrigan, Felicitas, Translator Waddell, Helen, Victor Gollancz, 1980.
Waddell, Helen, and Stefan Mrozewski. New York City. G. and M. Davies, 1935.
Waddell, Helen. Peter Abelard. Constable, 1933.
Waddell, Helen. Poetry in the Dark Ages. Jackson, 1948.
Rosweyde, Heribert. The Desert Fathers. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1936.
Prévost d’Exiles, Antoine-François, and George Saintsbury. The History of the Chevalier des Grieux and of Manon Lescaut. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1931.
Waddell, Helen. The Spoiled Buddha. Talbot Press; T. Fisher Unwin, 1919.
Waddell, Helen. The Wandering Scholars. Constable, 1927.