Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Elizabeth Bowen
Standard Name: Bowen, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Dorothea Cole Bowen
Nickname: Bitha
published ten novels, seventy-nine short stories, a history of her Anglo-Irish family, and a large body of critical and other nonfictional writing. Her novels and short stories blend romance (the perils of innocence, and its loss, are favourite themes) with comedy and satire, and sometimes with hints of the occult. She was well known and widely read during her life, which occupied about three-quarters of the twentieth century. Eudora Welty
claimed that EBwrote with originality, bounty, vigor, style, beauty up to the last.
qtd. in
Lassner, Phyllis. Elizabeth Bowen. Twayne, 1991.
Hoogland, Renée C. Elizabeth Bowen: A Reputation in Writing. New York University Press, 1994.
"Elizabeth Bowen, half profile" Retrieved from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Elizabeth_Bowen.jpg.
"Elizabeth Bowen, full face" by Hulton Deutsch/Contributor,1940-01-01.Retrieved from https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/writer-elizabeth-bowen-news-photo/613515694.
This came at a time when she was submitting her work (almost entirely poetry) in large quantity and having it rejected. She submitted this story as Aquarius: real names were not revealed until the...
Charles Darwin
, naturalist, died at his estate of Downe in Kent, which became a girls' boarding-school in 1907 and is now a museum.
Elizabeth Bowen
, who was a girl at the school, was...
Eudora Welty
's next collected volume, containing seven pieces, The Bride of the Innisfallen and Other Stories, was dedicated to Elizabeth Bowen
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Elizabeth Taylor
published her ninth novel, The Soul of Kindness. She dedicated it to Elizabeth Bowen
, using the latter's married name of Elizabeth Cameron to indicate that this was a personal, not only a literary, relationship.
Leclercq, Florence. Elizabeth Taylor. Twayne, 1985.
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.
Stella Gibbons
Writers Elizabeth Bowen
and Christina Hole
enrolled in this course at roughly the same time as SG
Oliver, Reggie. Out of the Woodshed: A Portrait of Stella Gibbons. Bloomsbury, 1998.
Anne Ridler
Downe House had been founded at Charles Darwin
's old home by Olive Willis
, a remarkable woman who was still headmistress, who exercised an important influence on AR
, and whose biography Ridler later...
Family and Intimate relationships
Rosamond Lehmann
originally met Day-Lewis at Elizabeth Bowen
's home in London in 1936. Their next meeting followed on her reviewing his Poems in Wartime, 1940, for the New Statesman. She called him a...
Family and Intimate relationships
Iris Murdoch
Bayley (who was six years younger than Murdoch) appeared to her as an escape from her painful, dominated relationship with Elias Canetti
Conradi, Peter J. Iris Murdoch. A Life. HarperCollins, 2002.
He later held one of Oxford's few Chairs as Thomas Warton...
Family and Intimate relationships
Rosamond Lehmann
In the early stages of the turmoil which the Spanish Civil War brought into her life, RL
met and fell in love with Welsh writer Goronwy Rees
at the home of Elizabeth Bowen
, who...
Friends, Associates
Iris Murdoch
She met Brigid Brophy
(another friend who was years tempestuously a lover) in 1954. This relationship survived several crises, when Brophy took offence at Murdoch's actions or expressed dislike for her writing. IM
met Elizabeth Bowen
Friends, Associates
The flat became a gathering place for friends including the Sitwells (Bryher grew especially close to Edith
and Osbert
), Elizabeth Bowen
, and Ivy Compton-Burnett
Schaffner, Perdita. “Keeper of the Flame”. H.D., Woman and Poet, edited by Michael King, National Poetry Foundation, 1986, pp. 27-33.
Bryher,. The Days of Mars. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.
While in London, Bryher increased the...
Friends, Associates
H. D.
After her move to England, Ezra Pound
introduced HD to his circle of friends, many of whom were important figures in the modernist movement. They included W. B. Yeats
, T. S. Eliot
Friends, Associates
Eudora Welty
's friendship with her fellow Mississippian William Faulkner
began from an impromptu postcard he sent her from Hollywood in 1943: Dear Welty: You are doing fine. You are doing all right. . ....
Friends, Associates
Julia O'Faolain
Living in different countries, JOF
moved in different literary circles, not all Irish or English. In Florence she and her husband were welcomed into the circle of the cosmopolitan writer Violet Trefusis
at Villa dell'Ombrellino...
1907: Educationalist Olive Willis founded a school...
Building item
Educationalist Olive Willis
founded a school for girls at Downe House in Kent, formerly occupied by Charles Darwin
. Downe House School
began with one pupil, five teachers, and no financial backing.
Ridler, Anne. Memoirs. The Perpetua Press, 2004, p. 240 pp.
26 April 1916: Pacifist writer (and Republican sympathiser)...