Anna Maria Hall

Standard Name: Hall, Anna Maria
Birth Name: Anna Maria Fielding
Married Name: Anna Maria Hall
Used Form: Mrs Samuel Carter Hall
Used Form: Mrs S. C. Hall
AMH was an extremely prolific writer whose literary career spanned the pre- and later Victorian periods. She wrote many stories, nine novels, some children's literature, three plays, a pamphlet, and a travel book. She also worked as an editor and wrote several pieces in support of the temperance movement. Her fiction participated in mid-century debates over the plight of governesses and the position of women generally. Much of her work served to sustain stereotypes of Irish national character.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Mary Cowden Clarke
In 1848 MCC may have contributed two pieces to A Book of Stories for Young People, along with Mary Howitt and Anna Maria Hall . But Richard D. Altick believes the stories The Princess...
Anthologization Barbara Hofland
BH seems to have remained saleable for a long time, since The Gift of Friendship . . . with contributions by . . . Mrs. Hofland appeared as late as 1877. Others included were Mary Howitt
Cultural formation Grace Aguilar
GA 's writings treat in detail the Jewish faith to which she strongly adhered, and she often focuses on the persecution and prejudice which Jews suffered throughout the nineteenth century, as well as historically. As...
Cultural formation Rosina Bulwer Lytton Baroness Lytton
Despite her Irish birth, she disliked and distanced herself from the Irish: Anna Maria Hall 's husband, Samuel Carter Hall , reported her saying that she needed to fumigate her dining-room after entertaining Daniel O'Connell
Education Grace Aguilar
GA , a voracious
Abrahams, Beth-Zion. “Grace Aguilar: A Centenary Tribute”. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, Vol.
, 1952, pp. 137-48.
reader, was educated chiefly by her mother and directed in her studies by both parents. Anna Maria Hall reported that GA had learned to read almost by intuition
Hall, Anna Maria, and Frederick William Fairholt. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. New Edition, Arthur Hall, Virtue, 1853.
Education Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Mary Elizabeth read early and voraciously, polishing off Anna Maria Hall 's three-volume Marian when she was only seven. By nine she was reading Scott and Dickens . One of the family servants introduced her...
Family and Intimate relationships Maria Jane Jewsbury
Early in 1831 she had refused Fletcher 's first proposal. Despite her father 's strong opposition,
Fryckstedt, Monica Correa. “The Hidden Rill: The Life and Career of Maria Jane Jewsbury, II”. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Vol.
, No. 1, The Library, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1984, pp. 450-73.
she finally consented when Fletcher proposed again in March.
Clarke, Norma. Ambitious Heights. Routledge, 1990.
Espinasse, Francis, and Francis Espinasse. “Maria Jane Jewsbury”. Lancashire Worthies: Second Series, Simpkin, Marshall; John Heywood, 1877, pp. 323-39.
Anna Maria Hall tried her best to...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The public was scandalized by their adulterous relationship. When the editor of his St. James's Magazine, Anna Maria Hall , inquired after the health of his wife, Maxwell replied that she was defunct but...
Friends, Associates Mary Cowden Clarke
In addition to meeting Dickens as a result of her theatrical activities, MCC and her husband met William Hazlitt through a shared duty of theatre reviewing, and she became friends with Mary Howitt , and...
Friends, Associates Geraldine Jewsbury
GJ entered the social scene of the capital with several connections already made. Her London friends included members of the Kingsley and Rossetti families, feminist reformer Frances Power Cobbe , author John Ruskin , Samuel Carter
Friends, Associates Grace Aguilar
Around this time her acquaintance deepened with Camilla Crosland .
Crosland, Camilla. Landmarks of a Literary Life, 1820-1892. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1893.
Other Christian literary friends included Felicia Hemans , Mary Howitt , and Anna Maria Hall .
Galchinsky, Michael. The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer. Wayne State University Press, 1996.
Friends, Associates Dinah Mulock Craik
Dinah Mulock met several notable literary figures, such as the dramatists George and Maria Lovell , poet Eliza Leslie , and Mr and Mrs Samuel Carter Hall . At parties given by Anna Maria Hall...
Friends, Associates Maria Jane Jewsbury
Determined to be a writer, MJJ actively sought literary society. Her other literary friends included author and editor Samuel Laman Blanchard , dramatist James Robinson Planché , the Rev. George Robert Gleig , and Sir Walter Scott
Friends, Associates Ellen Wood
As she began to establish herself as a writer, EW became a friend of her fellow authors Anna Maria Hall , Julia Kavanagh , and Mary Howitt . The latter wrote her a complimentary letter...
Friends, Associates Sarah Tytler
ST 's literary friends by now included Dora Greenwell , Ellen (Mrs Henry) Wood , Anna Maria (Mrs S. C.) Hall , and George MacDonald .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


No timeline events available.


Hall, Anna Maria. "God Save the Green!" A Few Words to the Irish People. S. W. Partridge, 1866.
Hall, Anna Maria. A Woman’s Story. Hurst and Blackett, 1857, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Boons and Blessings. Virtue, Spalding, 1875.
Hall, Anna Maria. Can Wrong Be Right?. Hurst and Blackett, 1862, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Can Wrong Be Right?. Burnham, 1862.
Hall, Anna Maria. Chronicles of a Schoolroom. F. Westley and A. H. Davis, 1830.
Hall, Anna Maria, and National Temperance League. “Introduction”. Woman’s Work in the Temperance Reformation, W. Tweedie, 1868.
Hall, Samuel Carter, and Anna Maria Hall. Ireland: its Scenery, Character and History. Celtic Edition, Francis A. Niccolls, 1911, 6 vols.
Hall, Samuel Carter et al. Ireland: its Scenery, Character, &c. How and Parsons, 1843, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. H. Colburn, 1838, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Mabel’s Curse!. J. Duncombe, 1837.
Hall, Anna Maria. Marian; or, A Young Maid’s Fortunes. H. Colburn, 1840, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. “Master Ben”. The Spirit and Manners of the Age, 1829, pp. 35-41.
Hall, Anna Maria. Midsummer Eve. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848.
Hall, Anna Maria, and Frederick William Fairholt. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. New Edition, Arthur Hall, Virtue, 1853.
Hall, Anna Maria. Sketches of Irish Character. F. Westley and A. H. Davis, 1829, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria, and Mrs Jonathan Foster. Stories and Studies from the Chronicles and History of England. Darton, 1847, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Stories of the Governess. Published for the Benefit of the Governesses’ Benevolent Institution and sold by J. Nisbet, 1852.
Hall, Anna Maria. Stories of the Irish Peasantry. W. and R. Chambers, 1840.
Hall, Anna Maria. Tales of Woman’s Trials. Houlston and Son, 1835.
Hall, Anna Maria. Tales of Woman’s Trials. J. B. Lippincott, 1889.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Buccaneer. R. Bentley, 1832, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Buccaneer. R. Bentley, 1840.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Fight of Faith. Chapman and Hall, 1869, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The French Refugee. J. Macrone, 1837.