Martin Luther

Standard Name: Luther, Martin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
St Leonard's emphasized intellectual, physical, and domestic development; girls were allowed the freedom of unsupervised daily walks. At this school Margaret learned to debate the merits of Erasmus , Martin Luther , and Sir Thomas More
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Basset
MB 's father, lawyer and scholar William Roper , was unlike her mother's family in that he was interested in the reformed religion, in Luther , and in the idea of translating the Bible into...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Roper
He was a lawyer in his early twenties, with an interest in the teachings of Martin Luther and in translations of the Bible into English which put him potentially at odds with his father-in-law. (He...
Intertextuality and Influence Mona Caird
In MarriageMC charged that the institution of marriage in its present form was a vexatious failure and its system a legalized injustice.
qtd. in
Forward, Stephanie. “A Study in Yellow: Mona Caird’s ’The Yellow Drawing-Room’”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 2000, pp. 295-07.
While arguing for gradual change of attitude rather than enforced or...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Oxenbridge Lady Tyrwhit
Tyrwhit's collection of prayers is thought to date from the mid 1550s, and tradition suggests that it was written for the future Queen Elizabeth I during her imprisonment by her sister Queen Mary , but...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Oxenbridge Lady Tyrwhit
Tyrwhit's prayers bring together, in cheerful ecumenicity, the Bible, the old Roman Catholic tradition of books of hours, and newer Lutheran and humanist influence, grafting new thinking onto an age-old tradition of piety...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
MAS adds a new aesthetic category, the contemplative sublime, alongside the Burke an or terrible sublime and other categories related to the Burkean beautiful. She derives her thinking from women as well as men. In...
Literary Setting Elizabeth Charles
The book was perhaps written to provide more interesting religious reading material than the texts usually allowed to Protestant children, which EC elsewhere characterises (with the exception of the Bible) as dull.
Charles, Elizabeth. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. T. Nelson; Lipincott, 1866.
Literary Setting Alethea Lewis
Here the gothic element is much strengthened. The story takes place before the time of Martin Luther . Young girls are immured in a convent because of an older woman's envy of their beauty, and...
Author summary Elizabeth Oxenbridge Lady Tyrwhit
Elizabeth, Lady Tyrwhit , a product of the Lutheran Protestant movement which inspired the Court ladies of her (sixteenth-century) generation, was the author or compiler of a private book of prayers, with hymns and psalms...
Publishing Elizabeth Charles
EC was offered £40 by Andrew Cameron , editor of the Scottish magazine Family Treasury, to write on Martin Luther . When her work was published as a historical novel, its unexpected success taught...
Textual Features Mary Augusta Ward
She described it as a vision of a Church of England recreated from within, with a rebel, and not—as in Robert Elsmere—an exile, for a hero.
Ward, Mary Augusta. A Writer’s Recollections. Harper and Brothers, 1918.
The eponymous protagonist passionately and eloquently defends...
Textual Features Frances Arabella Rowden
An advertisement (dated at Iver in Buckinghamshire on 3 September 1820)
Rowden, Frances Arabella. A Biographical Sketch of the Most Distinguished Writers of Ancient and Modern Times. 1829.
1829, iv
explains that the book is written for the young scholar and hopes to demonstrate the connexion between ancient and modern literature (the...
Textual Features Julia Pardoe
Earnest is faced with the choice between the love of the maiden and the love of the Muse.
Pardoe, Julia. “The Poet of Prague”. Fraser’s Magazine, Vol.
, 1845, pp. 106-15.
The orphaned protagonist desired a liberal education rather than the pursuit of wealth, to the great...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Brilliana Lady Harley
It reflects her theological interests, containing—for instance—paraphrases from Calvin 's Institutes of the Christian Religion, from works by William Perkins , and the sermons of the local vicar.
Eales, Jacqueline. Puritans and Roundheads. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
25, 43, 49
She translated part...


31 October 1517: Luther pinned his manifesto (Ninety-Five...

Building item

31 October 1517

Luther pinned his manifesto (Ninety-Five Theses) to the door of the castle church at Wittenberg in Germany. The theses were intended points for a university discussion which in the event never took place.
Garland, Henry, and Mary Garland, editors. The Oxford Companion to German Literature. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 1997.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Cameron, Jennifer. A Dangerous Innovator: Mary Ward (1585-1645). St Pauls Publications, 2000.
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “The World Took Sides”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 16, 11 Aug. 2016, pp. 25-7.

20 September 1523: Argula von Grumbach, a Bavarian whom many...

Writing climate item

20 September 1523

Argula von Grumbach , a Bavarian whom many call the earliest Protestant woman writer, penned two polemical letters which were later published (one to the University of Ingolstadt and one to Duke William IV of Bavaria

1527: A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer, wrote...

Building item


A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer , wrote two letters to Johannes Dantiscus , whom he had met on a royal mission to the Holy Roman Emperor in Spain, where Dantiscus was then Polish ambassador.
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “Archives”. Lives for Sale: Biographers’ Tales, edited by Mark Bostridge, Continuum, 2004, pp. 62-7.

30 March 1533: On Passion Sunday, two weeks before Easter,...

National or international item

30 March 1533

On Passion Sunday, two weeks before Easter, Thomas Cranmer , a churchman interested in the new ideas of Martin Luther , was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury.
Bossy, John. “The Skull from Outer Space”. London Review of Books, 20 Feb. 2003, pp. 29-30.

21 July 1542: Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition...

Building item

21 July 1542

Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition to counter the threat posed to Roman Catholicism by the new Protestant thinking of Martin Luther and John Calvin .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.


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