Viking Press


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Rumer Godden
It was begun in postwar London and finished at Arundel.
Godden, Rumer. A House with Four Rooms. Macmillan, 1989.
It was the last novel owed to Little Brown under RG 's contract with them; after it, she says, Viking Presshad taken...
Publishing Rumer Godden
This novel also was written at Pollards in Buckinghamshire. RG consulted the Chairman and Clerk of London's Metropolitan Juvenile Courts , a police inspector of Bow Street , the Governors and Secretary of the...
Publishing Valentine Ackland
VA 's account at her publisher Viking Press was always overdrawn because she ordered innumerable copies of the book for her family and friends.
Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989.
Publishing Nadine Gordimer
NG 's novel A Guest of Honour appeared from Viking Press in New York. The London edition followed next year from Cape , who now succeeded to Gollancz as Gordimer's English publisher.
“Bowker’s Global Books in Print”.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Pat Barker
In an author's note, PB explains that fact and fiction are interwoven in this book, and lists her most important sources.
Barker, Pat. Regeneration. Viking-Penguin, 1991.
With it she left Virago for Viking-Penguin . At this time, she says,...
Publishing Zora Neale Hurston
The book was edited by Deborah G. Plant and included a foreword by Alice Walker . In Britain it was titled Barracoon: The Story of the Last Slave. Kossula, then aged nineteen, lived through...
Publishing Elizabeth Bishop
EB began submitting the manuscript of a first collection of poems in 1939, only to have it summarily rejected in turn by Random House , Viking , and Simon and Schuster . Harcourt Brace offered...
Publishing Elizabeth Jolley
After the first two Vera novels (this and Cabin Fever, 1990) EJ was urged by her publishers at Viking to write a third novel to form a trilogy. The result was The Georges' Wife, 1993.
Publishing D. H. Lawrence
This work was reissued by Viking one year later in the US.
Publishing Rebecca West
The first edition, by Viking Press in New York, was issued in two-volume boxed sets.
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn. A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West, 1912-1951. Yale University Library, 1957.
Geoff Dyer , in his introduction to the Canongate edition of 2006, notes West's probing of the painful...
Publishing Rebecca West
Over the next two decades RW published several revised and updated versions of this work. In 1956 Pan Books (London) published a new edition of The Meaning of Treason in which West eliminated some discussion...
Publishing Marianne Moore
She intended the word complete to mean everything from her poetic output that she wished to pass on to posterity, not by any means everything that she had ever written. She makes this clear through...
Publishing Sylvia Townsend Warner
STW received £542 in royalties that September from her American publisher, the Viking Press , but only half that amount from Chatto and Windus in England.
Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989.
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 34. Gale Research, 1985.
34: 277
Publishing Marianne Moore
This enumeration by no means exhausts MM 's output. She made sallies into French literature with a translation of La Fontaine 's fables, 1954, and a re-telling (rather than a translation) of fairy-tales by Perrault
Publishing Elizabeth Taylor
Knopf had serious reservations about this novel, and in January 1953 ET broke with them and went to Viking instead, on the advice of Peter Davies .
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.


No timeline events available.


Arendt, Hannah. Between Past and Future. Viking Press, 1961.
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem. Viking Press, 1963.
Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution. Viking Press, 1963.
Gordimer, Nadine. A Guest of Honour. Viking Press, 1970.
West, Rebecca. “Bibliography”. Rebecca West: A Celebration, edited by Samuel Hynes, Viking Press, 1977, pp. 761-6.
Lawrence, D. H. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Viking Press, 1932.
Rosebury, Theodor. Microbes and Morals: The Strange Story of Venereal Disease. Viking Press, 1971.
Smith, Dodie et al. The Hundred and One Dalmatians. Viking Press, 1956.
West, Rebecca. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Viking Press, 1945.
West, Rebecca. The New Meaning of Treason. Viking Press, 1964.