Charles Perrault

Standard Name: Perrault, Charles


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Christina Rossetti
Christina and her siblings were educated by their mother , in reading, writing, the Bible and rudimentary French. The boys were sent to school when they were seven, while the girls continued at home. Their...
Education Simone de Beauvoir
SB knew her alphabet at three, and learned to read quickly once she suddenly perceived that the letters were symbols.
Beauvoir, Simone de. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. Translator Kirkup, James, Penguin, 2001.
Later, the scanty resources of my city childhood could not compete with the riches...
Intertextuality and Influence Beatrix Potter
This is a vivid retelling of the Bluebeard story, a folktale with versions by Perrault and the brothersGrimm . In BP 's version the final wife, Fatima, is saved largely by the heroism...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Hodgson Burnett
The narrative opens rivetingly with the deaths of Mary's parents and her Indian nurse of cholera, her being discovered quite forgotten in the empty house of death and shipped to England, and her arrival at...
Author summary Angela Carter
AC was a prolific writer in many genres throughout the later twentieth century. Best known for her novels and short stories, she also wrote plays (for radio, screen and stage), poetry, children's stories, journal articles...
Reception Anne Dacier
This translation made its debut at a time of renewed struggle in the querelle of the ancients and moderns. This debate had arisen in the 1680s, with Boileau maintaining the superiority of ancient culture and...
Textual Features Christina Rossetti
Influences that manifested themselves somewhat later in CR 's career were those of fairy tales—Perrault , Keightley , and later Hans Christian Andersen —and later poets including Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning , whom...
Textual Production Ethel Sidgwick
Riquet with the Tuft, originally a fairy story in French (Riquet à la houppe) by Charles Perrault , had been often retold in English, notably in Dinah Mulock Craik 's anthology The Fairy Book, 1862.
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
BP wrote her own versions of two fairy stories by Charles Perrault , Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella; both remained unpublished until 1971.
Grinstein, Alexander. The Remarkable Beatrix Potter. International Universities Press, 1995.
Textual Production Kate Greenaway
According to Ruari McLean in his Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry on printer and wood-engraver Edmund Evans , KG 's first commission was for Diamonds and Toads, a translation from fairy stories by...
Textual Production Marianne Moore
This enumeration by no means exhausts MM 's output. She made sallies into French literature with a translation of La Fontaine 's fables, 1954, and a re-telling (rather than a translation) of fairy-tales by Perrault
Textual Production Angela Carter
AC 's work outside fiction includes several translated editions of fairy tales: The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault with her foreword (1977), and Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales (1982). Her Perrault translation, originally...
Textual Production Marina Warner
The original authors of the tales were writers, the majority of them women, living in Paris during the reign of Louis XIV: Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy , Marie-Jeanne L'Heritier de Villandon , Henriette-Julie de Murat , Charles Perrault
Textual Production Helen Waddell
As an undergraduate in Belfast, HW wrote poetry and delivered rousing addresses as President of the Christian Union .
Waddell, Helen. “Acknowledgements; Note; Introduction”. Between Two Eternities, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993, pp. viii - ix, 1.
During the painful years before she became a graduate student at Somerville College ...


March 1694: The French poet Boileau published his misogynist...

Writing climate item

March 1694

The French poet Boileau published his misogynist Satire X, which targets the poet Antoinette Deshoulières (who had died in February) as a précieuse, and Scudéry 's Clélie as advocating adultery.
Schroder, Volker. “Women Writers Response to Boileaus SATIRE XAmerican Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA, 26 Mar. 2004.

1698: Charles Perrault published an early fairy-tale...

Writing climate item


Charles Perrault published an early fairy-tale collection, Histoires et Contes du Temps Passé.
British Library Catalogue.


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