Little Brown


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Dodie Smith
She struggled with the writing of this book and put it aside several times to work on other projects.
Grove, Valerie. Dear Dodie: The Life of Dodie Smith. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
When she finally completed it, she had to argue with her publisher not to cut...
Publishing Dodie Smith
Its title alludes to Oscar Wilde 's A Woman of No Importance.
Grove, Valerie. Dear Dodie: The Life of Dodie Smith. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
DS 's American publisher, Little, Brown was shocked at the novel's homosexual content and its likely impact on her readership. They...
Publishing Ali Smith
Once recovered from chronic fatigue syndrome, Smith began writing stories again after a ten-year interval (she had been writing plays in the interim). The stories that would comprise Free Love were first sent to her...
Publishing Michèle Roberts
She began this book out of an impulse to think about where I came from, both genetically and socio-historically.
Roberts, Michèle. Paper Houses. Virago, 2007.
Keeping to her unalterable schedule of several hours reading a day, she did painstaking research...
Publishing Margery Allingham
She based it on a family story of her forebears: an early-nineteenth-century John Allingham who had a second family by Charlotte Duncan, in addition to his legitimate family.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
The English publisher was Michael Joseph
Publishing Laura Riding
The great unpublished work of LR 's lifetime was a dictionary. Various groups of friends collaborated on the early phases of this project, first in Mallorca and then in London. Its ancestor was a modest...
Publishing Enid Bagnold
In 1970, The Last Joke and Call Me Jacky were published by Heinemann in London and Little, Brown in Boston. They were grouped with two of EB 's more popular works, The Chalk Garden...
Publishing Laura Riding
That change in life-course, however, put a lengthy stop to work on the dictionary. On 8 September 1942, by which time she was working on it with Schuyler Jackson and a new contract had been...
Publishing Beryl Bainbridge
BB was by now a highly marketable commodity as novelists go. Her recent three-book publishing agreement brought her £78,000 up front—almost certainly less than she could have got by bargaining, and even called by...
Publishing Phyllis Bottome
Survival, another war novel by PB , was published in Boston by Little, Brown and Company .
Calder, Robert. Beware the British Serpent. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Publishing Phyllis Bottome
After returning from a lecture tour in the United States, PB published a first-person account of life in Britain during the war, Mansion House of Liberty, with Little, Brown in Boston.
Calder, Robert. Beware the British Serpent. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Publishing Rumer Godden
It was begun in postwar London and finished at Arundel.
Godden, Rumer. A House with Four Rooms. Macmillan, 1989.
It was the last novel owed to Little Brown under RG 's contract with them; after it, she says, Viking Presshad taken...
Publishing Phyllis Bottome
The book was first published in London by Faber and Faber ; the following year, it was published in the United States by Little, Brown and Company .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Publishing Mary Lavin
This volume appeared in the USA from Little, Brown and Company , the year after its English publication, as At Sallygap and Other Stories. It was translated into Dutch in 1971 for publication in Holland.
Krawschak, Ruth, and Regina Mahlke. Mary Lavin: A Checklist. R. Krawschak, 1979.
Publishing Phyllis Bottome
In the United States, where it was published by Little, Brown and Company , it was reprinted twice in its first month of publication.
Calder, Robert. Beware the British Serpent. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.


21 June 1973: Virago Press held its first board meeting...

Writing climate item

21 June 1973

Virago Press held its first board meeting (of directors Carmen Callil , Rosie Boycott , and Marsha Rowe ). The press was established in London with financial support from Quartet Books .
Cadman, Eileen et al. Rolling Our Own: Women as Printers, Publishers and Distributors. Minority Press-Group, 1981.
Virago Press: 30 Years of Virago.
“The History of Virago”. Virago, 2012.

By Autumn 1975: Carmen Callil's new Virago Press issued its...

Women writers item

By Autumn 1975

Carmen Callil 's new Virago Press issued its first title, Mary Chamberlain 's Fenwomen: A Portrait of Women in an English Village, an indictment of rural poverty as it bears on women.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(25 September 1975): 13

January 1996: Virago Press resumed operations as an imprint...

Building item

January 1996

Virago Press resumed operations as an imprint of another larger company, Little Brown . Its board took the decision to sell in 1995, two years after its twentieth birthday.
“The History of Virago”. Virago, 2012.


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