Wyndham Lewis

Standard Name: Lewis, Wyndham
WL was an early twentieth-century artist and writer: novelist, poet, playwright, periodical editor, commentator on literature and society, and above all a satirist and lampooner of many of his contemporaries. He was the leading spirit in the art movement known as Vorticism. His political writings included some ill-advised praise of Hitler during the early 1930s. He also published an autobiography.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Gertrude Stein
Reviewers of GS saw this work as embodying a new naturalism.
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Hobhouse, Janet. Everybody Who was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein. Doubleday, 1975.
H. G. Wells read Three Lives with deepening pleasure & admiration,
qtd. in
Hobhouse, Janet. Everybody Who was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein. Doubleday, 1975.
and William James wrote to tell her that it was...
Literary responses Amanda McKittrick Ros
The Nonesuch edition of 1926 was reviewed for the Daily Mail by Wyndham Lewis . He stepped cautiously (citing AMKR 's vehement response to Barry Pain 's review of the first edition as a warning...
Material Conditions of Writing Virginia Woolf
The Years, then, descends with The Pargiters from Professions for Women. VW was writing this book in the mid 1930s at a time when her now established reputation came violently under attack, often...
Occupation Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
Occupation Harriet Shaw Weaver
The Egoist Press went on to publish Dora Marsden's The Definition of the Godhead, Eliot 's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Pound 's Dialogues of Fontenelle, Lewis 's Tarr,...
Occupation Roger Fry
At 33 Fitzroy Square in Bloomsbury, London, founder RF opened the Omega Workshops , an artists' group whose participants included Wyndham Lewis , Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant (both co-directors), and Dora Carrington .
Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf A to Z. Facts on File, 1995.
politics Virginia Woolf
Through the 1930s, Woolf struggled to define herself and her work against the rise of Fascism in Europe, to chart the relationship between artistic and political tasks. She and her Bloomsbury friends began to be...
Publishing Laura Riding
LR published poems, essays, and a review in 1927-8 in transition, the little magazine produced in Paris by Eugene and Maria Jolas and Elliot Paul . Her critical essay here on Gertrude Stein was...
Publishing Rebecca West
RW published an early story, Indissoluble Matrimony, in the first issue of Wyndham Lewis 's Blast.
The issue is dated 20 June 1914, but was not actually published until 2 July.
West, Rebecca. The Young Rebecca. Editor Marcus, Jane, Macmillan with Virago, 1982, http://UofA.
Publishing Ezra Pound
EP was a prolific literary and cultural critic. He forwarded the ideas of Vorticism in Wyndham Lewis 's shortlived journal Blast. He edited anthologies of the Imagists and others, and was a key figure...
Reception Nancy Cunard
NC was also the exemplary subject for painters and photographers—Nina Hamnett (who did a drawing of her for ten guineas at the request of Lady Cunard ),
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1932.
John Banting , Eugene MacCown ,...
Residence Stella Benson
During this visit to London, SB met many cultural, political, and social figures, including Wyndham Lewis (who drew a sketch of her), David Garnett , Kingsley Martin , Charles Morgan , Phyllis Bottome ,...
Textual Features Edith Sitwell
Wheels was a series in opposition: to the First World War, to the cosiness of the Georgian school of poetry, and to the establishment in general. It drew its revolutionary note from the continued influence...
Textual Production Naomi Mitchison
While writing it she sat for her portrait to Wyndham Lewis , who teased her by painting a crucifix in the background.
Mitchison, Naomi. You May Well Ask: A Memoir 1920-1940. Gollancz, 1979.
Textual Production Mina Loy
ML also wrote poems about other writers and artists. Several of these poems, including James Joyce 's Ulysses, The Starry Sky of Wyndham Lewis, Nancy Cunard, Brancusi 's Golden Bird, and...


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