Dora Carrington

Standard Name: Carrington, Dora
Birth Name: Dora de Houghton Carrington
Pseudonym: Doric
Pseudonym: Cirod
Pseudonym: Mopsa
DC is known predominantly for her personal relationships with writer Lytton Strachey and other members of the Bloomsbury Group, but she produced much striking work—visual and literary—herself. André Derain and Simon Bussy gave her portraits and landscapes contemporary praise; in his foreword to Noel Carrington 's 1978 book on his sister's art, former Tate Gallery Director Sir John Rothenstein described DC as the most neglected serious painter of her time.
qtd. in
Holroyd, Michael, and Jane Hill. “Foreword”. The Art of Dora Carrington, Herbert Press, 1994, pp. 7-9.
Carrington (the name she chose to be known by) also wrote in range of genres (letters, diaries, short stories, poetry, and drama) throughout her life.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Iris Tree
Around 1910, IT began attending the Slade School of Art in London, where she studied under Henry Tonks and Ambrose McEvoy . Her time as an art student was also a time of exploration...
Education Dorothy Brett
DB attended the Slade School of Art , where she formed close friendships with Mark Gertler and Dora Carrington .
Hignett, Sean. Brett. Franklin Watts, 1985.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Rosamond Lehmann
Writing to her brother about their Christmas, RL said that Strachey had rallied and I feel now he will live, though the danger is still acute. The bottom would fall out of the world for...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Early members of what VW called Old Bloomsbury (to distinguish the original members of the group from later additions) included Virginia and Vanessa Stephen , Leonard Woolf , Clive Bell , E. M. Forster ,...
Friends, Associates Rosamond Lehmann
While younger than the principal figures and sometimes inclined to feel herself marginal, RL was positioned well within the Bloomsbury group. She was close friends with another younger associate, George Rylands . During the early...
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
The same year she got to know Edward Marsh . Her early years with Murry (and her visits to Garsington Manor) further developed her network of relationships with writers and artists. At Runcton in 1912...
Friends, Associates Iris Tree
Among IT 's close friends were poet, publisher, journalist, and political activist Nancy Cunard , artist and diarist Dora Carrington , socialite Sybil Hart-Davis , and socialite, actress, and memoirist Lady Diana Cooper .
Fielding, Daphne. The Rainbow Picnic. Eyre Methuen, 1974.
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
The others who were there included J. T. Sheppard , Fredegond Shove , Carrington , David Garnett , G. F. Short , Lytton Strachey , and Evan Morgan .
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Mansfield had parted with Murry...
Friends, Associates Julia Strachey
JS began a close friendship with painter Carrington (or Dora Carrington), who had preceded Frances Partridge as Ralph Partridge's wife.
Gerzina, Gretchen. Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893-1932. John Murray, 1989.
Friends, Associates Julia Strachey
JS 's lifelong friendship with writer Frances Marshall (later Partridge) first began when the two were girls together at Brackenhurst school.
Strachey, Julia, and Frances Partridge. Julia: A Portrait of Julia Strachey. Little, Brown, 1983.
As an adult, JS spent much time at Ham Spray, the Wiltshire home...
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
At this time she began to meet people connected with the modernist movement, like Carrington and Mark Gertler . She met and sat for the sculptor Henri Gaudier-Brzeska , and she also met the painter...
Friends, Associates D. H. Lawrence
Several women writers were numbered among DHL 's friends and acquaintances: Amy Lowell , Katherine Mansfield , Anna Wickham , Lady Cynthia Asquith , Carrington , Brett , Catherine Carswell , and Lady Ottoline Morrell
Leisure and Society E. B. C. Jones
EBCJ had many friends among the Bloomsbury group. Virginia Woolf hovered between liking and disliking, feeling she could never become intimate with Topsy but welcoming the spruce shining mind.
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Editors Bell, Anne Olivier and Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, 1977–1984, 5 vols.
2: 156
She was close...
Literary responses E. B. C. Jones
Among her friends one or two (including Dora Carrington ) thought this her best novel.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
It is not clear if EBCJ published no more books because of a sense that her style of writing was...
Occupation Roger Fry
At 33 Fitzroy Square in Bloomsbury, London, founder RF opened the Omega Workshops , an artists' group whose participants included Wyndham Lewis , Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant (both co-directors), and Dora Carrington .
Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf A to Z. Facts on File, 1995.


1918: Two years after her best-known portrait of...

Building item


Two years after her best-known portrait of Lytton Strachey , Carrington (Dora Carrington) painted another portrait of him, sitting in a deck-chair in the garden at Tidmarsh Mill, where they lived.
Windsor, Alan, editor. Handbook of Modern British Painting 1900-1980. Scolar Press, 1992.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Strachey, Lytton. The Shorter Strachey. Editors Holroyd, Michael and Paul Levy, Oxford University Press, 1980.

1920: Carrington painted her portrait E. M. Fo...

Building item


Carrington painted her portrait E. M. Forster.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

5 February 2004: Frances Partridge, diarist, memoirist, and...

Women writers item

5 February 2004

Frances Partridge , diarist, memoirist, and the longest-surviving member of the Bloomsbury group, died at the age of very nearly a hundred and four.
De-la-Noy, Michael, and James Fergusson. “Frances Partridge; Centenarian survivor of the Bloomsbury Group, 7 February 2004”. The Independent.


Carrington, Noel et al. “Carrington’s Early Life”. Carrington: Letters and Extracts from her Diaries, Jonathan Cape, 1970, pp. 501-5.
Carrington, Dora et al. Carrington: Letters and Extracts from her Diaries. Jonathan Cape, 1970.
Garnett, David et al. “Preface”. Carrington: Letters and Extracts from her Diaries, Jonathan Cape, 1970, pp. 9-13.