Mary Scott

Standard Name: Scott, Mary
Birth Name: Mary Scott
Pseudonym: M. S.
Married Name: Mary Taylor
As well as an elegy printed during her lifetime and hymns printed after her death in 1793, MS published two ambitious longer poems about whose content she cared passionately: a polemical celebration of women's intellectual achievements (especially as writers), and an epic poem with Christ as hero.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Anne Steele
Pickering and Chatto includes AS 's Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, 1780, and Verses for Children, 1788 (as well as work by Mary Scott , Steele's niece Mary , and Maria Grace Saffery
Birth Mary Masters
MM was born—according to Mary Scott —in Yorkshire, at Otley near Leeds.
Scott, Mary, and Gae Holladay. The Female Advocate. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1984.
Friends, Associates Anne Steele
AS evidently chose her friends at least partly for their literary interests, since they included three publishing women of a younger generation—Hannah More , Anna Seward , and (a closer friend than the first...
Friends, Associates Anna Seward
Nine years later her meeting with the provincial literary hostess Anne, Lady Miller , marked the beginning of a wide and deep acquaintance with the literary world beyond Lichfield.
Ashmun, Margaret. The Singing Swan. Yale University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1931.
36-7, 71
She was on terms...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
EOB writes in terms of a women's tradition: for instance, she praises Barbauld for praising Elizabeth Rowe . She makes confident judgements and attributions (she is sure that Lady Pakington is the real author of...
Literary responses Mary Collyer
This was not to the Critical's taste. It had already this year declared its dislike of German poetry, and slammed Mary Scott 's Messiah.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
16 (1763): 393-4
Now it called Mr Collyer's translation...
Literary responses Elizabeth Cooper
EC 's book was generally respected. It was praised by Mary Scott , and had a significant impact on Thomas Chatterton
Bronson, Bertrand H. “Chattertoniana”. Modern Language Quarterly, Vol.
, 1950, pp. 417-24.
as well as, perhaps, on Johnson 's format in his Lives of the...
Literary responses Mary Whateley Darwall
In April 1774 (ten years on from her first volume but long before her second) the Monthly Review (in a notice of Hannah More 's The Inflexible Captive) listed MWD as one of the...
Literary responses Elizabeth Tollet
ET 's reputation persisted for some time after her death. Mary Scott praised her highly in The Female Advocate, 1774. John Duncombe (though her posthumous publication was too late for inclusion in his Feminiad...
Literary responses Catharine Macaulay
Her biographer Bridget Hill identifies CM 's fame as having lasted fifteen years: from the publication of her first volume to the date of her second marriage (1763-78). But in fact she continued to command...
Reception Sarah Scott
SS published significantly more than any member of the Bluestocking circle—with which, through her sister, she had close ties despite not living in London. She remains, however, less known than any of that group. Publishing...
Textual Features Anne Steele
AS is, however, a secular as well as a religious poet. She twice wrote poems for national fast days during the Seven Years War: On the Publick Fast for 6 February 1756, and National Judgments...
Textual Production Eugenia
The Eugenia who published The Female Advocate chose a favourite title as well as a favourite pseudonym. The title had already been used by Sarah Fyge , 1686, and was to be used again by...
Textual Production Anne Steele
AS exchanged occasional poems over the span of her life with other women in her circle of correspondents: primarily her sister Mary Steele, later Wakeford , whom she called Amira, but also her niece...


January 1781-December 1782: The Lady's Poetical Magazine, or Beauties...

Writing climate item

January 1781-December 1782

The Lady's Poetical Magazine, or Beauties of British Poetry appeared, published by James Harrison in four half-yearly numbers; it is arguable whether or not it kept the first number's promise of generous selections of work...

After 1 February 1785: M. Peddle (a gifted, little-known, Evangelical...

Women writers item

After 1 February 1785

M. Peddle (a gifted, little-known, Evangelical woman of Yeovil in Somerset, who later issued a conduct book under the name of Cornelia) published a biblical paraphrase in novelistic style: The Life of Jacob.
Peddle, M. The Life of Jacob. R. Goadby and Co., 1785.


Holladay, Gae, and Mary Scott. “Introduction”. The Female Advocate, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1984, p. iii - x.
Scott, Mary. Messiah. R. Cruttwell, 1788.
Scott, Mary. The Female Advocate. Joseph Johnson, 1774.
Scott, Mary, and Gae Holladay. The Female Advocate. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1984.