Mary Dunscombe

Standard Name: Dunscombe, Mary
Used Form: Mary Steele, 1753 - 1813


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Anne Steele
Pickering and Chatto includes AS 's Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, 1780, and Verses for Children, 1788 (as well as work by Mary Scott , Steele's niece Mary , and Maria Grace Saffery
Anthologization Mary Scott
Pickering and Chatto includes published and unpublished writings by MS (as well as work by Anne Steele , her niece Mary Steele, later Dunscombe , Elizabeth Heyrick , and Maria Grace Saffery ) in the...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Steele
AS 's niece Polly (Mary Steele, later Dunscombe , daughter of her brother William) came under her care after death of her mother, William's first wife, in May 1762. Her aunt was her second...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Steele
It was very likely her niece who composed a passionate verse lament for AS , which is printed before her posthumous Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose. The unnamed writer says she has lost...
Friends, Associates Anne Steele
AS evidently chose her friends at least partly for their literary interests, since they included three publishing women of a younger generation—Hannah More , Anna Seward , and (a closer friend than the first...
Health Anne Steele
During the last nine years of her life AS suffered from a variety of physical complaints. She was seriously ill in June 1771,
Broome, J. R. A Bruised Reed. Anne Steele: Her Life and Times. Gospel Standard Trust Publications, 2007.
203, 210
and for probably about her last five years she was...
Residence Anne Steele
Broughton (where AS lived all her life) lies among the chalk downs on the border of Wiltshire and Hampshire, a few miles from Danebury, a hill crowned with Bronze Age fortifications, about which her...
Textual Features Anne Steele
On first reaching print this collection consisted of seven poems to or for Steele's nephews and nieces, including one to Polly Steele, later Dunscombe (1753-1813). The Bampton edition retitled the poems, and added one more...
Textual Production Anne Steele
Danebury: or The Power of Friendship, A Tale, a verse narrative of female friendship, heroism, and self-sacrifice by AS 's niece and pupil Mary Polly Steele (later Dunscombe), was published as by a...
Textual Production Anne Steele
AS exchanged occasional poems over the span of her life with other women in her circle of correspondents: primarily her sister Mary Steele, later Wakeford , whom she called Amira, but also her niece...


No timeline events available.


Dunscombe, Mary. Danebury. W. Pine, 1779.