Carl Gustav Jung

Standard Name: Jung, Carl Gustav


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Renault
MR was confirmed as an Anglican , and enjoyed church ceremonies, but it was Plato 's belief in the individual which provided her with a lifelong ethical code. Later in life she discovered the works...
Cultural formation Kathleen Raine
KR was brought up in her father's Wesleyan Methodist faith, and also introduced to her maternal family's Presbyterianism by her Scottish relatives. She wrote of being drawn more strongly to the Greek myths in her...
Cultural formation Rosamond Lehmann
Lehmann moved on from Lady Sandys to the College of Psychic Studies (formerly the London Spiritualist Alliance , later the College of Psychic Studies ), and to the well-known clairvoyant Ena Twigg , in January...
Cultural formation Naomi Mitchison
In later life NM related her private world of terror and magical incantation to folk and psychological archetypes, and felt that Jung 's theory of collective archetypes accurately represented her childhood imaginings. According to her...
Cultural formation P. L. Travers
The influence of Zen Buddhism is evident in PLT 's articles for Parabola. Influenced by the work of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff , and by Karlfried Graf Dürckheim , she developed an intellectual interest in Zen...
Family and Intimate relationships Ruth Pitter
Years later RP spoke satirically of her first experience of falling in love. He had yellow curls reaching almost to his shoulders, and lovely blue eyes. He would do. He would have to do. When...
Fictionalization Lady Eleanor Butler
Penruddock 's version of their story sets their elopement in the middle of a ball, and gives them two exciting years in London; Colette and de Beauvoir take a triumphalist view of their assumed lesbianism...
Friends, Associates P. L. Travers
In Paris, in about 1930, she is thought to have met and dined at the table of
Haggarty, Ben. “Refining Nectar”. A Lively Oracle: A Centennial Celebration of P.L. Travers, Creator of Mary Poppins, edited by Ellen Dooling Draper and Jenny Koralek, Published for the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation by Larson Publications, 1999, pp. 19-24.
the Russian philosopher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff , about whom she later wrote as his disciple. She...
Intertextuality and Influence Monica Furlong
She begins arrestingly: We live in a period in which it is not possible to talk meaningfully about God.
Furlong, Monica. The End of Our Exploring. Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.
She then posits an absolute human need for meaning and for myth (the core...
Literary responses May Sinclair
MS herself judged this novel probably in some ways the only decent thing I've ever done or shall do.
qtd. in
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Because writing it was delving into her own past consciousness, she found the effort exhausting...
Literary responses Penelope Shuttle
Gay Clifford , reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement, offered some readings common in reviews of the work of PS and Peter Redgrove , about a prose poem of Jung ian archetypes, and...
Literary responses Leonora Carrington
In her 2017 assessment Marina Warner likens the text, as a testament to the horrors of psychosis and convulsive drug therapy that is split between visionary illumination and profound psychological distress, to such writing as...
Occupation May Sinclair
MS was elected a member of the Society for Psychical Research , which helped to bring the work of Freud , Jung , and Pierre Janet to England.
Boll, Theophilus E. M. Miss May Sinclair: Novelist: A Biographical and Critical Introduction. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1973.
Zegger, Hrisey Dimitrakis. May Sinclair. Twayne, 1976.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Publishing May Sinclair
MS published the first of a two-part review of Jung 's Psychology of the Unconscious (1912) in the Medical Press, as Clinical Lectures on Symbolism and Sublimation.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Textual Features Adrienne Rich
From 1972 to 1976, the period just before this text was published, AR read extensively through the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis: authors studied include Freud , Jung , Melanie Klein , Karen Horney


26 July 1875: Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology,...

Building item

26 July 1875

Carl Jung , founder of analytical psychology, was born in Kesswil, Switzerland.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.

1882: The Society for Psychical Research was founded...

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The Society for Psychical Research was founded with the purpose of conducting objective scientific research into supernatural phenomena such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and mediumship.
Knight, David. The Age of Science: The Scientific World-View in the Nineteenth Century. Basil Blackwell, 1986.
Owen, Alex. The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Nineteenth-Century England. Virago, 1989.
Porter, Katherine H. Through a Glass Darkly: Spiritualism in the Browning Circle. Octagon, 1972.
Gauld, Alan. A History of Hypnotism. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Cline, Sally. Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John. John Murray, 1997.
“Society for Psychical Research”. Ghosts.

1895-1901: Carl Jung studied medicine at Basel, Swi...

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Carl Jung studied medicine at Basel, Switzerland.
Hergenhahn, Baldwin Ross. An Introduction to the History of Psychology. 2nd ed., Wadsworth Publishing, 1992, http://HSS.

1928: Carl Jung published Contributions to Analytical...

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Carl Jung published Contributions to Analytical Psychology.
Hergenhahn, Baldwin Ross. An Introduction to the History of Psychology. 2nd ed., Wadsworth Publishing, 1992, http://HSS.
482, 566

6 June 1961: Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, died in Z...

Building item

6 June 1961

Carl Jung , Swiss psychiatrist, died in Zurich.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.


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