Gay Clifford

Standard Name: Clifford, Gay


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Germaine Greer
Her close friends included Gay Clifford (an academic at London University), with whom she travelled, shared a house, argued and disagreed. Clifford wrote dense and exciting, and odd, clever, sometimes very passionate poems (to do...
Literary responses Penelope Shuttle
Gay Clifford , reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement, offered some readings common in reviews of the work of PS and Peter Redgrove , about a prose poem of Jung ian archetypes, and...
Textual Production Germaine Greer
In 2013 GG sold her archives (student notes and essays, scripts for the CambridgeFootlights Society , literary and scholarly manuscripts, diaries, a handmade book designed for her friend Gay Clifford , and professional and...
Textual Production Germaine Greer
GG has published a good deal in her scholarly field of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century women's writing. Her anthology (with Susan Hastings , Jeslyn Medoff and Melinda Sansone ), Kissing the Rod, has played an...


No timeline events available.


Clifford, Gay. “Mid-Atlantic hay”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3889, p. 1199.