
Standard Name: Plato


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Renault
MR was confirmed as an Anglican , and enjoyed church ceremonies, but it was Plato 's belief in the individual which provided her with a lifelong ethical code. Later in life she discovered the works...
Dedications Ruth Padel
She dedicated this book to Myles Burnyeat ,
Padel, Ruth. Whom Gods Destroy. Princeton University Press, 1995.
her husband, whom she thanks for encouragement, criticism, and rubbing my nose in philosophers; for help with child care, books, lucidity, and Plato .
Padel, Ruth. Whom Gods Destroy. Princeton University Press, 1995.
Education Anne Carson
Despite her distaste for the survey courses and canonical English poets, AC eventually re-enrolled at the University of Toronto in 1970 , in the classics program. As an undergraduate she was particularly drawn to passionate...
Education Elizabeth Inchbald
In the early 1780s she was reading such challenging authors as Milton , Plato , Plutarch , and Aristotle .
Manvell, Roger. Elizabeth Inchbald: England’s Principal Woman Dramatist and Independent Woman of Letters in 18th Century London. University Press of America, 1987.
Education Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Later she became interested in Plato . In 1886 she was one of a group of women who began Greek classes at the Hampstead home of poet and scholar William Cory , her longtime friend...
Education Frances Reynolds
FR denied that she knew Latin, yet she used Latin tags in her letters. As an adult she worked persistently at self-education. Her commonplace-book contains her reading notes on Plato , Aristotle , Pliny ,...
Education Virginia Woolf
Virginia read Aeschylus , Homer , Sophocles , and Plato , among others, with Clara Pater. In 1902, however, the Cambridge-educated Janet Case , who was a feminist as well as a classicist, took over...
Intertextuality and Influence Katharine Bruce Glasier
KBG was influenced early in her writing career by authors such as Walt Whitman , Edward Carpenter , and Plato .
Thompson, Laurence. The Enthusiasts. Victor Gollancz Limited, 1971.
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Thomas
This collection contains the harvest of Thomas's poetic career. Her Muse, she says, is unfashionably incapable of dealing with love or obscenity: this shows clearly that her original poetic context was a Restoration one.
Thomas, Elizabeth, 1675 - 1731. Miscellany Poems on Several Subjects. Thomas Combes, 1722.
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Ellen Harrison
Very much like the tours and lectures Harrison began giving this decade, her published text offers vivid, dramatic descriptions of the culture under examination. Her oral and written works are similar in other ways: in...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Lady Norton
FLN 's works, like the volume already published of Gethin, are very largely composed of quotations. Norton addresses this issue in The Applause of Virtue, in her prefatory To the Reader, which opens...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Carter
Carter's poem To Miss Lynch claims (not for the only time) Katherine Philips as the model for her own writing. Philips's spotless verse with genuine force exprest / The brightest passion of the human breast...
Intertextuality and Influence Vernon Lee
Dedicated to the author's companion and fellow writer Mary Robinson , this volume is another collection of essays, some previously published. Here Lee begins to dismiss the moral implications and social conditions within and around...
Intertextuality and Influence Doris Lessing
DL takes her title from Plato 's allegory about cave-dwellers who never see the outside world, but believe they can understand it from observing the shadows thrown on the walls of their cave. She applies...
Intertextuality and Influence Edna Lyall
Mondisfield Hall, depicted here as it was during the Restoration, is based on Badmondisfield (or Badmondesfield) Hall, an Elizabethan moated manor at Wickhambrook in Suffolk, where as a girl EL used to stay with...


17 February 1600: Giordano Bruno, a Neapolitan philosopher...

Building item

17 February 1600

Giordano Bruno , a Neapolitan philosopher and former Dominican friar, was burned by the Inquisition , apparently less for his support of Copernicus than for his Plato nist and Pantheistic thinking.
Plumptre, C. E. Giordano Bruno. Chapman and Hall, 1884.
89, 286

February 1893: Walter Pater published a selection of lectures...

Writing climate item

February 1893

Walter Pater published a selection of lectures and essays, Plato and Platonism.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.


Plato,. Selections from the Works of Plato. Translator Chatterton, Georgiana, Richard Bentley, 1862.
Plato,. The Symposium on Love. Translator Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Peter Pauper Press.