Cyril Connolly

Standard Name: Connolly, Cyril


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Antonia White
Cyril Connolly thought her explanations of this move were like making desperate attempts to retain [her] reason and finally lapsing into insanity.
qtd. in
Vaux, Anna. “Biscuits. Oh good!”. London Review of Books, 27 May 1999, pp. 32-4.
Her new religion led her to actions which her friends felt to...
Education George Orwell
Brought back to England at the age of three, Eric Blair (later GO ) was enabled by a scholarship and contributions from relations to go to St Cyprian's, a well-known but oppressive boys' preparatory school...
Family and Intimate relationships Caroline Blackwood
One factor in dividing CB from Freud may have been her involvement with Cyril Connolly , who pursued her although or because he had been a friend of her father's at Eton. In the last...
Friends, Associates Vita Sackville-West
VSW was rather apt to turn her friends into lovers. She also developed a strong rapport with more than one man with whose wife she was sexually involved: Denys Trefusis and later Roy Campbell ...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Jane Howard
Her friends during the 1950s included Stephen and Natasha Spender , Alec Waugh , Margaret Lane , Malcolm Sargent , and Joyce Grenfell . She also met Cyril Connolly , Olivia Manning , Stevie Smith
Friends, Associates Sybille Bedford
Introduced to Aldous Huxley and his wife Maria by the South African poet Roy Campbell while at Sanary, the young SB became their intimate friend.
Bedford, Sybille. Quicksands. Counterpoint, 2005.
She was later embarrassed by her earlier admiration for...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Bowen
Frequent guests at Bowen's Court (where, says Victoria Glendinning, they ate and drank royally)
Glendinning, Victoria. Elizabeth Bowen. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.
included William Plomer , Sean O'Faolain , and Cyril Connolly . Virginia Woolf stayed there once; Iris Murdoch also...
Health Elizabeth Bowen
EB suffered from recurrent bouts of bronchitis and a chronic smoker's cough. In 1972, she was diagnosed with lung cancer and underwent radium treatment. She lost her voice and had considerable difficulty breathing. She was...
Literary responses Edith Templeton
The Surprise of Cremona was generally well reviewed. Though the New Yorker described it as delightful and infuriating in about equal proportions, most reviewers agreed that the idiosyncratic account leaned to the delightful.
qtd. in
Book Review Digest. H. W. Wilson, 1913–2025.
(1957): 908
Literary responses Pamela Hansford Johnson
This book had the kind of scandalous success that PHJ later associated with Kingsley Amis 's Lucky Jimnineteen years later. It was considered a signal success, but the kind of success that brought its...
Literary responses E. B. C. Jones
Cyril Connolly called this novel a moving and conscientious study of fondness written with sobriety and grace.
qtd. in
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Literary responses Margaret Kennedy
Novelist and critic Charles Morgan reviewed the London stage performance for the Times, praising the brutal vulgarity of Sanger's mistress Linda, but finding the dramatised version of Florence too harsh.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann, 1983.
Cyril Connolly ...
Literary responses Sylvia Beach
Her friend Cyril Connolly thought this work a charming, gay astringent scrapbook.
qtd. in
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Literary responses Rosamond Lehmann
RL 's Epilogue relates her own anxiety, on the day the book was first published, about its probable reception. She was flooded with relief, joy, gratitude, at finding both Cyril Connolly and Philip Toynbee
Literary responses Elizabeth Bowen
Cyril Connolly expressed his admiration in the New Statesman, where he was reviewing a novel for the first time.
Glendinning, Victoria. Elizabeth Bowen. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.
The Hotel was the April 1928 selection of the fairly new Book-of-the-Month Club in...


April 1935: Heinemann, publisher of Bessie Cotter by...

Writing climate item

April 1935

Heinemann , publisher of Bessie Cotter by Wallace Smith , was fined £100 after pleading guilty to a charge of obscene libel.
Craig, Alec. The Banned Books of England and Other Countries. George Allen and Unwin, 1962.


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