Denys Trefusis

Standard Name: Trefusis, Denys


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
Violet Keppel married Major Denys Trefusis in an elaborate society wedding at St George's, Hanover Square, London.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
VT 's husband Denys died from tuberculosis at the American Hospital at Neuilly.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
In March 1919 VT gave in to her mother 's wishes and agreed to marry Denys Trefusis , a Major in the Royal Horse Guards serving in Belgium, whom Violet met when he returned...
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
In 1923 Denys Trefusis introduced VT to a member of his musical circle, the Princesse de Polignac .
Trefusis, Violet, and Philippe Jullian. Don’t Look Round. Hutchinson, 1953.
She was born Winnaretta Singer , the eighteenth child of the sewing machine inventor .
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Fictionalization Violet Trefusis
After VT was introduced by her lover the Princesse de Polignac to Denise Bourdet , a writer and the wife of playwright Edouard Bourdet ,
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
she figured in the latter's play, La prisonnière...
Friends, Associates Vita Sackville-West
VSW was rather apt to turn her friends into lovers. She also developed a strong rapport with more than one man with whose wife she was sexually involved: Denys Trefusis and later Roy Campbell ...
Material Conditions of Writing Violet Trefusis
Following the relaunch of her marriage to Denys Trefusis in early 1922, VT kept a diary that was, she says, entirely given over to that eternally adolescent couple: Weltschmerz and Schadenfreude.
Trefusis, Violet, and Philippe Jullian. Don’t Look Round. Hutchinson, 1953.
She jokingly connected...
Publishing Violet Trefusis
Written in French, Sortie de secours (Emergency Exit), published in Paris by Éditions Argo soon after her husband died, was VT 's first novel to appear in print.
Holroyd, Michael. “A Tale of Three Novels”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, 11 Feb. 2010, pp. 31-2.
Jullian, Philippe et al. Violet Trefusis: Life and Letters. Hamish Hamilton, 1976.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Residence Violet Trefusis
VT and her husband Denys moved from England to a flat in the Rue Fourcroy, Paris.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
208, 212
Textual Production Violet Trefusis
VT and Vita Sackville-West corresponded frequently throughout their early friendship and love affair. Denys Trefusis burned Vita's letters to his wife in a fit of rage in July 1920; Violet later informed Vita, though, that...
Travel Violet Trefusis
For Christmas 1923, the Princesse de Polignac took VT on a luxury cruise up the Nile; their group included Denys Trefusis and George and Alice Keppel , all of whom were aware of and...
Travel Violet Trefusis
VT travelled through Africa, Europe, and North and South America with her the Princesse de Polignac , husband , andparents .
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
232, 239
Jullian, Philippe et al. Violet Trefusis: Life and Letters. Hamish Hamilton, 1976.
Violence Violet Trefusis
Though she never explicitly mentions her love affair with Vita , VT blames herself for the marital troubles which she and Denys suffered. I hasten to add that the fault was entirely mine. I was...


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