Roy Campbell

Standard Name: Campbell, Roy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Vita Sackville-West
After a brief fling with Mary Hutchinson , VSW began a passionate sexual relationship with Mary Campbell , wife of the poet Roy Campbell .
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin, 1984.
Fictionalization Vita Sackville-West
Response to VSW 's writing has often been overshadowed, always blended, with response to her physical or social charisma, and the glamour of her family history. In 1923 Ronald Firbank portrayed her in The Flower...
Friends, Associates Ruth Pitter
RP knew T. S. Eliot well enough to enjoy a courtly encounter with him at a bus stop, but she felt his great innovations had not necessarily been a good thing for English poetry, and...
Friends, Associates Sybille Bedford
Introduced to Aldous Huxley and his wife Maria by the South African poet Roy Campbell while at Sanary, the young SB became their intimate friend.
Bedford, Sybille. Quicksands. Counterpoint, 2005.
She was later embarrassed by her earlier admiration for...
Friends, Associates Muriel Spark
For the next few years she lived the stimulating, bohemian, often harsh life of a modern poet in London, though she despised those literary circles which she felt to be self-serving and amateurish. Although she...
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES also befriended Roy Campbell , whom she called one of the very few great poets of our time.
Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. Hutchinson, 1965.
She celebrated him as a vitalizing companion
Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. Hutchinson, 1965.
of great simplicity, courtesy, and sweetness.
Friends, Associates Vita Sackville-West
VSW was rather apt to turn her friends into lovers. She also developed a strong rapport with more than one man with whose wife she was sexually involved: Denys Trefusis and later Roy Campbell ...
Intertextuality and Influence Rose Tremain
Her dedicatee was a bookstore owner in Nashville, Tennessee, where he involved himself in the Civil Rights movement in 1960. (His son Richard is known as a writer). RT uses three epigraphs: from St John of the Cross
Occupation Edith Sitwell
ES was a generous patron to her younger writer friends. She contributed significantly to establishing the reputations of Thomas , Campbell , and Welch , who was ecstatic at receiving a plum, jewel, diadem knock-out...
Residence Laura Riding
They were allowed to take a single suitcase each; they left their pets and their printing press behind. Riding had no idea, however, that she would be leaving for ever. They reached England via Valencia...
Textual Features Vita Sackville-West
Poems unpublished in 1983 include some about later love affairs. For Mary Campbell , VSW produced sixteen sonnets, too outspokenly lesbian to be printable (except for three in King's Daughter), over a few days...
Textual Production Wyndham Lewis
WL 's little magazine The Enemy ran for three numbers. It contained the text of his Time and Western Man (also published in book form in 1927), as well as essays by himself and poems...
Textual Production Vera Brittain
Three of VB 's own poems appeared in the collection, which also included poems by Winifred Holtby , Robert Graves , Edmund Blunden , L. P. Hartley , Roy Campbell , and Louis Golding .
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Textual Production Sylvia Townsend Warner
STW began writing poetry as a member of a group called the New Elizabethans, centred in Oxford and including Richard Hughes , Roy Campbell , and Ivor Gurney . Yeats was also a sympathiser.
Rattenbury, Arnold. “How the sanity of poets can be edited away”. London Review of Books, 14 Oct. 1999, pp. 15-19.


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