Louis XVI King of France

Standard Name: Louis XVI,, King of France
Used Form: Lewis the Sixteenth


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Germaine de Staël
She was born into the wealthy and powerful bourgeoisie and was just eight years old when Louis XVI succeeded to the French throne. Her parents were both Swiss, but had settled in France. Owing to...
Family and Intimate relationships Honoré de Balzac
For many years HB was romantically linked to Madame de Berny , a god-daughter of Louis XVI and Marie-Antionette . He was devastated by her death in 1836.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Harcourt
He was the opposite of his wife in one respect. In 1770 his father had said of him (in connection with letters): so great is his aversion to writing that without an absolute necessity he...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Burney
News of Louis XVI 's execution arrived a couple of days later. Within a week d'Arblay and his friend the comte de Narbonne were professing themselves ashamed of their nationality, while FB thought d'Arblay one...
Family and Intimate relationships Grace Elliott
GE 's relationship with the duc d'Orléans is known to her readers only from her account of him in the days when he had moved on to other women and was increasingly showing a sympathy...
Friends, Associates Ellis Cornelia Knight
Wherever they went the Knights always met, and always admired, members of the relevant royal family. On a visit to the Palace of Versailles during their time in Paris, they were able to see Louis XVI
Leisure and Society Anna Margaretta Larpent
On 17 April 1790 AML went to Mary Champion de Crespigny 's private theatre and saw a performance of Mariana Starke 's tragedy The British Orphans. She was at the theatre (a public one...
Literary Setting Catherine Gore
The title-page quotes Shakespeare 's Richard II about the deposing of a king. The novel opens with precision: at five o'clock on 22 June 1791, with aristocrats fearful for their fate in the aftermath of...
Material Conditions of Writing Anne Grant
After the guilloting of the French king Louis XVI , AG formulated an explicit statement of the political nature of female virtue, as she asserted the responsibility of (upper-class) women for the Revolution. I...
Material Conditions of Writing Elizabeth Inchbald
Every One Has His Fault, a comedy by EI , opened at Covent Garden , after being postponed for a week for fear of coinciding with the guillotining of Louis XVI of France .
The London Stage 1660-1800. Southern Illinois University Press, 1960–1968, 5 vols.
5: 1516-17
OQuinn, Daniel. “Bread: The Eruption and Interruption of Politics in Elizabeth Inchbalds Every One Has His FaultEuropean Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 2, Apr. 2007, pp. 149-57.
O'Quinn 149
politics Ann Jebb
Her obituarist wrote that her zeal in the cause of civil and religious liberty was unabated by her husband's death.
Meadley, George William. “Memoir of Mrs. Jebb”. The Monthly Repository, Vol.
, Oct. 1812, pp. 597 - 604, 661.
In 1789 she deprecated the doctrine of hereditary right advanced by Charles James Fox
politics Grace Elliott
She smuggled the duc d'Orléans to his house by giving her name instead of his to those who challenged them. She went home on foot, then, hearing that many thought the duc would lead a...
politics Eglinton Wallace
She was, she wrote later, ignorant enough to flatter myself, that I was most materially serving my country, by making these proposals. She found, however, that the ministers were confident they knew better;
Wallace, Eglinton. The Conduct of the King of Prussia and General Dumouriez. 2nd Edition, J. Debrett, 1793.
politics Germaine de Staël
Habitués of her salon included Lafayette , Condorcet , Narbonne , Talleyrand , and Thomas Jefferson .
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
In the following months she conspired with others to attempt the escape from revolutionary hands of aristocratic...
Publishing Anna Seward
The month after Louis XVI was guillotined, AS expressed her outrage at the developing Terror in France with an impassioned letter printed in the Gentleman's Magazine, urging her friend Helen Maria Williams to come home.
Ashmun, Margaret. The Singing Swan. Yale University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1931.


19 January 1771: French parlements, the sovereign court of...

National or international item

19 January 1771

French parlements , the sovereign court of Justice in Paris and thirteen other centres, were abolished by Louis XV .
Chisholm, Hugh, editor. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh, Cambridge University Press, 1911.
10: 849
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.

10 May 1774: Louis XV of France, great-grandson and immediate...

National or international item

10 May 1774

Louis XV of France, great-grandson and immediate successor of the Sun King , died of smallpox, and was succeeded by his grandson Louis XVI .
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
“Sunday, May 10, 1998: On This Day: Louis XV of France”. CNN International.com: Almanac.

20 March 1778: Louis XVI of France received American commissioners...

National or international item

20 March 1778

Louis XVI of France received American commissioners Benjamin Franklin , Silas Deane , and Arthur Lee .
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

20 August 1786: Calonne, French Finance Minister, informed...

National or international item

20 August 1786

Calonne , French Finance Minister, informed Louis XVI that the state was in financial crisis and submitted proposals for economic reforms to him.
Lefebvre, Georges. The French Revolution. Routledge and K. Paul, 1962.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.

27 December 1788: Louis XVI consented to public demands and...

National or international item

27 December 1788

Louis XVI consented to public demands and overuled the Parlement of Paris to double the size of the Third Estate.
Chisholm, Hugh, editor. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh, Cambridge University Press, 1911.
10: 852

January 1789: In France Emmanuel Sieyès published an immensely...

National or international item

January 1789

In FranceEmmanuel Sieyès published an immensely influential pamphlet, whose title in English is What is the Third Estate?
Runciman, David. “Shockingly Worldly”. London Review of Books, 23 Oct. 2003, pp. 7-10.

5 May 1789: The Estates-General met at Versailles for...

National or international item

5 May 1789

The Estates-General met at Versailles for the first time since 1614.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.

27 June 1789: Louis XVI ordered the First and Second Estates...

National or international item

27 June 1789

Louis XVI ordered the First and Second Estates (nobility and clergy) to sit with the Third Estate in the French National Assembly.
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.

11 July 1789: Louis XVI dismissed Necker from the post...

National or international item

11 July 1789

Louis XVI dismissed Necker from the post of Director of Finances and Minister of State.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.
Lefebvre, Georges. “A Series of Class Revolts”. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations, edited by Frank A. Kafker et al., 4th Edition, R. E. Krieger, 1989, pp. 3-33.
20, 26-7

5-6 October 1789: French market women marched on Versailles...

National or international item

5-6 October 1789

French market women marched on Versailles to demand that the king put an end to bread shortages and relocate to Paris, closer to his people.
Women in Revolutionary Paris, 1789-1975: Selected Documents Translated with Notes and Commentary. Translators Levy, Darline Gay et al., University of Illinois Press, 1979.
15, 62-3
Elson Roessler, Shirley. Out of the Shadows: Women and Politics in the French Revolution, 1789-95. Peter Lang, 1996.
20-38, 50, 51, 54

20-25 June 1791: Louis XVI fled with Marie-Antoinette and...

National or international item

20-25 June 1791

Louis XVI fled with Marie-Antoinette and their family, intending to leave France and raise a counter-revolution; they were captured at Varennes near Vichy, and brought back to Paris.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.

14 September 1791: Louis XVI accepted the new French consti...

National or international item

14 September 1791

Louis XVI accepted the new French constitution.
The historian John Paxton reports this date as 13 September 1791.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.

10 August 1792: The Palace of the Tuileries in Paris was...

National or international item

10 August 1792

The Palace of the Tuileries in Paris was invaded (for the second time), and Louis XVI was removed from his throne.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Elson Roessler, Shirley. Out of the Shadows: Women and Politics in the French Revolution, 1789-95. Peter Lang, 1996.

11 December 1792: Louis XVI went on trial before the National...

National or international item

11 December 1792

Louis XVI went on trial before the National Convention in Paris.
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.

21 January 1793: Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in Paris...

National or international item

21 January 1793

Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in Paris after trial by the French National Convention .
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.
Lefebvre, Georges. The French Revolution. Routledge and K. Paul, 1962.


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