Louis comte de Narbonne

Standard Name: Narbonne, Louis,,, comte de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Germaine de Staël
Apart from her short-lived legitimate daughter, GS had two sons by Narbonne , a daughter, Albertine, the result of her affair with Benjamin Constant , and a youngest son whose father was John Rocca .
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Burney
News of Louis XVI 's execution arrived a couple of days later. Within a week d'Arblay and his friend the comte de Narbonne were professing themselves ashamed of their nationality, while FB thought d'Arblay one...
Family and Intimate relationships Germaine de Staël
At the age of twenty-one, in 1788, GS embarked on her first love-affair, with Count Louis de Narbonne , a leader of the French liberalising party, and also a notorious rake. By early 1793 the...
Friends, Associates Germaine de Staël
One of her associates in her English visit was the future husband of Frances Burney . Burney thought her a woman of the first abilities, very much in the style of Mrs Thrale but with...
politics Germaine de Staël
Habitués of her salon included Lafayette , Condorcet , Narbonne , Talleyrand , and Thomas Jefferson .
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
In the following months she conspired with others to attempt the escape from revolutionary hands of aristocratic...
Residence Germaine de Staël
GS left Surrey for her parents' home, Coppet in Switzerland, without her lover Narbonne , from whom she now separated.
Burney, Frances. The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame D’Arblay). Editors Hemlow, Joyce and Althea Douglas, Clarendon Press, 1972–1984, 12 vols.
2: 139
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
Textual Features Helen Craik
Authors quoted on HC 's title-page include La Rochefoucauld . Mary Robinson 's Walsingham is quoted in volume two and supplies the epigraph for volume three.
Craciun, Adriana, and Kari E. Lokke, editors. “The New Cordays: Helen Craik and British Representations of Charlotte Corday, 1793-1800”. Rebellious Hearts: British Women Writers and the French Revolution, State University of New York Press, 2001, pp. 193-32.
The story opens shortly before the French Revolution...


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