Thomas Jefferson

Standard Name: Jefferson, Thomas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
This story addresses the contact of different cultures so beloved by RPJ : Thomas Jefferson the enlightenment slave-owner, US ambassador in the pre-revolutionary Paris of 1784-9. She drew on Fawn Brodie 's controversial biography (...
Friends, Associates Mercy Otis Warren
Though MOW 's strongest friendships were probably with men (John Adams , Thomas Jefferson , and others), some friendships with women were very important to her, notably that with Abigail Adams . In her...
Friends, Associates Anna Letitia Barbauld
They were highly sociable on their travels. As former supporters of the cause of American independence they met with Thomas Jefferson . After their return to England they continued to enlarge their circle. In July...
Friends, Associates Hannah Cowley
She also owed to her father's contacts the early patronage (crucial for both herself and her husband) of Nathaniel Ryder, Lord Harrowby . Another friendship formed in Tiverton was that with artist Richard Cosway ...
Friends, Associates Hannah Cowley
In Paris she stayed at the Hôtel Vendome, and through Maria Cosway and other contacts met Thomas Jefferson and many social and cultural leading lights of Paris.
Escott, Angela. The Celebrated Hannah Cowley. Pickering and Chatto, 2012.
Literary responses Susanna Haswell Rowson
Early, informal response centred on the play's daring political message, which made SHR famous or notorious. People spoke of the play as Americans in Algiers or Slaves Released from Algiers.
Montgomery, Benilde. “Slaves in Algiers: Susanna Rowsons First American Play”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 1991.
William Cobbett attacked her...
Performance of text Timberlake Wertenbaker
TW 's play Jefferson 's Garden was published, set in the American colonies in 1776 and borrowing a title recently used for a book of garden history. It opened at Watford Palace Theatre the same month.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Performance of text Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Merchant-Ivory 's controversial and largely unpopular Jefferson in Paris was finally released; in its original form RPJ 's script dates back to the 1980s.
Long, Robert Emmet. The Films of Merchant Ivory. Harry N. Abrams, 1991.
Long, Robert Emmet. The Films of Merchant Ivory. Newly updated ed., Harry N. Abrams, 1997.
262, 222-3
politics Germaine de Staël
Habitués of her salon included Lafayette , Condorcet , Narbonne , Talleyrand , and Thomas Jefferson .
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
In the following months she conspired with others to attempt the escape from revolutionary hands of aristocratic...
Reception Elizabeth Elstob
Elstob probably succeeded in modifying Swift 's views: he later adopted some of hers.
Elstob, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. An Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities, edited by Charles Peake, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1956, p. i - v.
Thomas Jefferson owned a copy of this publication.
Hughes, Shaun F. D. “The Anglo-Saxon Grammars of George Hickes and Elizabeth Elstob”. Anglo-Saxon Scholarship, the First Three Centuries, edited by Carl T. Berkhout and Milton McC. Gatch, G. K. Hall, 1982, pp. 119-47.
119-20 and n2
Textual Features Frances Trollope
The book begins with a dedication to those states of the American Union in which slavery has been abolished, or never permitted.
Trollope, Frances, and Auguste Hervieu. The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Richard Bentley , 1836, 3 vols.
The name of the title character borrows from Thomas Jefferson , whom...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Ezra Pound
These include the Jefferson Cantos, which champion the rationality of America's founders, contrasted to the darkness of Europe.
Nadel, Ira Bruce, editor. “Chronology; Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. xvii - xxxi; 1.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Harriet Martineau
This first volume argues strenuously that anomalies in national institutions will have pernicious effects on the laws and ultimately imperil the union itself. Within this context HM refers both to the system of chattel slavery...


4 July 1776: The third US Congress (Second Continental...

National or international item

4 July 1776

The third US Congress (Second Continental Congress), meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, adopted the Declaration of Independence.
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Williams, Neville. Chronology of the Modern World: 1763 to the Present Time. David McKay, 1967.

November 1800: In the US election the Democratic-Republicans...

National or international item

November 1800

In the US election the Democratic -Republicans decisively defeated John Adams and the Federalist party . According to the system of that time Thomas Jefferson was chosen for President (over Aaron Burr ) not...


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