Thicknesse, Ann. A Letter from Miss F—d. 1761.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Education | Ann Thicknesse | Ann Ford told her father she was properly grateful for the education he had given her. Thicknesse, Ann. A Letter from Miss F—d. 1761. 22 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Ham | At Ardnaree EH
found herself courted by an officer named Jackson, with a sentimental manner and a habit of quoting poetry, such as Frances Greville
's prayer for indifference. He had aroused strong interest in... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Tighe | About a quarter of the poems here are sonnets; a similar proportion are translations or imitations. Some are attributed to characters in Tighe's unpublished novel Selena; others describe places Tighe had visited, or express... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Ann Kelty | Her narratives of these emotional involvements lead her into analysis of the different effects of love on the two sexes. This analysis is founded on two women writers (identifiable although she does not name them)... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Eleanor Sleath | The chapter headings quote a range of canonical or contemporary writers, including Shakespeare
, Milton
, Pope
, Thomson
, Goldsmith
, William Mason
, John Langhorne
, Burns
, Erasmus Darwin
, Edward Young |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Moody | She has a sharp eye for gender issues, including those surrounding domestic work. The Housewife's Prayer is addressed to Economy, a name which might be loosely translated as balancing the budget, and ends with the... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Savage | A Letter to Miss E.B. on Marriage comments acutely on the conduct-book market: every He that writes claims a superior recipe for form[ing] the tender virgin's mind. Savage, Mary. Poems on Various Subjects and Occasions. C. Parker, 1777, 2 vols. 2: 4 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Hannah More | More takes a sceptical view of sensibility: she reproves both the representation of it in Goethe
's Werther (which had been available in English for about three years) and the sentimental enthusiasm which the book... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Susanna Haswell Rowson | Contents include lives of Elizabeth Singer Rowe
and of Mary Wollstonecraft
(the latter reprinted from the Monthly Visitor of London). Among the poems (some of them specifically attributed to SHR
) are one entitled... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Robinson | This includes her Ode to Rapture (reprinted from The Oracle, later omitted from her posthumous volume), which her editor Judith Pascoe
calls her most direct treatment of sexual passion. Robinson, Mary. “Introduction”. Mary Robinson: Selected Poems, edited by Judith Pascoe, Broadview, 2000, pp. 19-64. 47 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Maria Riddell | Her own poems in this volume cover a wide range of moods. A piece written against Stoicism sounds like an answer to Frances Greville
's prayer for indifference as the speaker (who has a fickle... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Eliza Parsons | EP
follows in the tradition of Richardson
, both in her general scheme and in details like an incident involving a male character and his kept mistress. At the outset each of the central friends... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Sarah Gooch | ESG
quotes on her title-page from James Hammond
and early in her first volume from Samuel Johnson
(no book was ever spared out of tenderness to the author). qtd. in Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah. The Life of Mrs Gooch. Printed for the authoress and sold by C. and G. Kearsley, 1792, 3 vols. 1: 11 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire | The feelings of this Emma are all in extremes. During her early passion she quotes Frances Greville
on the pains of sensibility. Devonshire, Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of. Emma. T. Hookham, 1773, 3 vols. 1: 66 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Griffith | He describes her with a line from Donne
's Second Anniversary. EG
's range of reference here includes Rousseau
, Milton
, Frances Greville
, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
. Characters discuss and... |
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