Monthly Catalogue, 1714 - 1717. Bernard Lintot, 3 vols.
1 (no. 1): 4
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Publishing | Susanna Centlivre | It was published the following month, ascribed to the Author of The Gamester, Monthly Catalogue, 1714 - 1717. Bernard Lintot, 3 vols. 1 (no. 1): 4 |
Textual Features | Elinor James | James's strong admonitory style has much in common with that of religious prophets. She is equally ready to cross swords with Quakers and Dissenters on the one hand and Catholics on the other, to venerate... |
Textual Features | Charlotte O'Conor Eccles | Here she relates the romantic tale of the marriage of Marie Casimire Clémentine Sobieski
(or Clementina Sobieska) to James Edward Stuart
, known to British history as the Old Pretender. She draws her material from... |
Textual Features | Delarivier Manley | This play, set in Britain after the imperial Romans had left, deals with the usurpation of a throne (in this case by the tyrant Vortigern
, with allusion to George I
), and features strong... |
Textual Production | Sarah Lady Piers | Sarah, Lady Piers,
welcomed the arrival of a new monarch in George
for Britain, a poem published with her name in two formats, one lavish (fine paper, wider margins) and one more ordinary. English Short Title Catalogue. |
Textual Production | Mary Countess Cowper | MCC
and her husband
exchanged affectionate letters from before their marriage. Some years before George I
succeeded to the English throne she established contact with his chief minister, Baron Bernstorff
, by letter. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Textual Production | Mary Countess Cowper | At the turning point of George I
's accession, Lord Cowper
established his position in the new political landscape through A Treatise on the State of Parties (otherwise known as An Impartial History of Parties... |
Textual Production | Mary Anne Duffus Hardy | MADH
issued her first novel, Savile House: An Historical Romance of the Time of George the First, in two volumes under the name Addlestone Hill (a coded reference to her home at Addlestone in... |
Textual Production | Mary Countess Cowper | She spared the part covering the first two years, and what she had written for 1720 (mostly the months of April and May). Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Cowper, Mary, Countess. “Introduction”. Diary, edited by Charles Spencer Cowper, John Murray, 1864, p. v - xvi. xi, xiv |
Textual Production | Elinor James | In This Day Ought Never to be Forgotten, being the Proclamation Day for Queen Elizabeth, EJ
presented a role-model to the new King George
. The date was that of Elizabeth's accession. Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998. 308 |
Textual Production | Elinor James | In Mrs. James's Thanks to the Lords
and Commons
for their great Sincerity to King George, EJ
again marked an anniversary in national political life and in her career as its interpreter. British Library Catalogue. McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998. 308 |
Textual Production | Elizabeth Boyd | An anonymous Poem on the Arrival of the King
, Address'd to His Majesty, published by J. Morphew
, has been attributed to EB
, but cannot be hers if she is correctly identified here. Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols. English Short Title Catalogue. |
Textual Production | Agnes Wheeler | Mention in the first dialogue of George III
's illness shows that it was written in 1788 or later. Wheeler, Agnes. “Introduction”. Westmorland Dialogues, edited by Leonard Smith, Lensden, 2011. 2 |
Textual Production | Jane Brereton | JB
published her first free-standing poem, as a Lady: The Fifth Ode of the Fourth Book of Horace
, Imitated: and apply'd to the King. Lonsdale, Roger, editor. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Oxford University Press, 1990. 78 English Short Title Catalogue. Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols. |
Textual Production | Susanna Centlivre | SC
opened a series of Hanoverian poems with A Poem. Humbly Presented to His Most Sacred Majesty George
. . . upon his Accession to the Throne. The title-page of this publication bears the... |
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