Elinor James

Standard Name: James, Elinor
Birth Name: Elinor Banks
Married Name: Elinor James
EJ was a publisher and political writer in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, as well as a tireless admonisher of monarchs and fervent supporter of the Church of England . Her tone has the stridency of the totally convinced. She wrote and printed over ninety identified political pamphlets and broadsides (more than six times as many as were known only a few years before the end of the twentieth century). It is highly likely that yet more will eventually be unearthed.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
James, Elinor. “Introductory Note”. Elinor James, edited by Paula McDowell, Ashgate, 2005, p. v - xxviii.
The volume selected and introduced by Paula McDowell for the Early Modern Englishwoman series includes ninety facsimiles of pamphlets by EJ , then one manuscript and two printed transcriptions of pamphlets whose originals are apparently lost, plus the text of an incorrect ascription.
James, Elinor. Elinor James. Editor McDowell, Paula, Ashgate, 2005.
James, Elinor. “Introductory Note”. Elinor James, edited by Paula McDowell, Ashgate, 2005, p. v - xxviii.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Davys
MD makes skilful use of letters to project character, political issues, and gender interaction. Her use of significant dates (All Saints' Day, November the fifth) links her with the prophetic tradition of Lady Eleanor Douglas
Publishing Ephelia
The royal licence indicates that the gentlewoman attribution must have been accurate.The date belongs to the height of the plot: that is, the anti-Catholic furore that followed the murder of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey
Publishing Marie Stopes
Next year she printed another pamphlet, smaller again, entitled A New Gospel to All Peoples. This she said she had [f]irst delivered to the Anglican Bishops assembled at Lambeth,
qtd. in
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
in the manner of such...
Textual Features Joan Whitrow
Writing from Putney-Park on this significant anniversary for Protestants, she may have been influenced by Elinor James , who chose the same day the previous year for an address to the king which had landed...
Textual Features Catherine Phillips
Though she stresses her own patriotic loyalty (Britannia's Monarch dear, I own / My Sov'reign under God)
Phillips, Catherine. The Happy King. Privately printed, 1794.
she is as eager to direct the king as such long-past predecessors in the genre...


12 December 1610: The Stationers' Company agreed to deposit,...

Writing climate item

12 December 1610

The Stationers' Company agreed to deposit, free of charge, in the Bodleian Library one copy of every book that was published.
Barnard, John. “Politics, Profits and ?Idealism: John Norton, The Stationers’ Company and Sir Thomas Bodley”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 6, Oct. 2002, pp. 385-30.


James, Elinor. Elinor James. Editor McDowell, Paula, Ashgate, 2005.
James, Elinor. Gentlemen of the South Sea Company. 1715.
James, Elinor. “Introductory Note”. Elinor James, edited by Paula McDowell, Ashgate, 2005, p. v - xxviii.
James, Elinor. May It Please Your Lordships. 1702.
James, Elinor. Most Dear Soveraign. 1869.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James Prayer for the Queen and Parliament. 1710.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Advice to all Printers in General. 1715.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Advice to the Citizens of London. 1688.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Defence of the Church of England. Printed for me Elinor James, 1687.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Reasons that Printing may not be a Free-Trade. 1702.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Thanks to the Lords and Commons for their sincerity to King George. 1715.
James, Elinor. Mrs. James’s Vindication of the Church of England. Printed for me Elinor James, 1687.
James, Elinor. Sir, My Lord Mayor and the Aldermen his Brethren. 1690.
James, Elinor. The Case Between a Father and his Children. Printed by T. James, 1682.
James, Elinor. This Being Your Majesty’s Birth-Day. 1689.
James, Elinor. This Day Did God out of his Infinite Mercy. 1712.
James, Elinor. This Day Ought Never to be Forgotten. 1714.
James, Elinor. To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. 1703.