Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Henry Brooke
Standard Name: Brooke, Henry,, 1703 - 1783
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Gilding | Like her, he was a contributor to magazines: a juvenile work by him appeared in the Lady's Magazine in 1775, and he later contributed to the European and other magazines under the name of Fidelio... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Brooke | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Brooke | CB
's father, the writer Henry Brooke
, to whom she had devoted herself absolutely for the ten years since the death of her mother
, died in her care. Crossley-Seymour, Aaron, and Charlotte Brooke. “A Memoir of Miss Brooke”. Reliques of Irish Poetry, J. Christie, 1816, p. 1: iii - cxxviii. xxvii, lxvi |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Brooke | CB
's father was the Dublin poet, dramatist and novelist Henry Brooke
, who became famous as a leading name in the sentimental school. He had spent some time in London (with his wife) only... |
Instructor | Charlotte Brooke | CB
was educated by her father
, who was interested in Irish language and culture, and was influenced by the pedagogic ideas of Rousseau
. Brooke, Charlotte. “Introduction”. Charlotte Brooke’s Reliques of Irish Poetry, edited by Lesa Ni Mhunghaile, Irish Manuscripts Commission, 2009, p. xxv - xliv. xxv |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Inchbald | John Philip Kemble
wrote the following May to ask after her progress. He imagined the story melodramatically, and enquired: how many distressed damsels and valorous knights? qtd. in Manvell, Roger. Elizabeth Inchbald: England’s Principal Woman Dramatist and Independent Woman of Letters in 18th Century London. University Press of America, 1987. 18 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Boyd | A first prologue addresses Pope
, and invokes the ghosts of Shakespeare
(The Wonder, as the Glory of the Land) and Dryden
(Shakespear's Freind) as mentors to EB
's performance in... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Frances Sheridan | Sidney Bidulph was also influential. It helped shape the depiction of unhappy marriage in Lennox
's Euphemia. Catto, Susan J. Modest Ambition: The Influence of Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, and the Ideal of Female Diffidence on Sarah Fielding, Charlotte Lennox, and Frances Brooke. University of Oxford, 1998. 204 |
Textual Features | Mary Hays | This is really as substantial as a novel for adults; but MH
in her preface explains that she wished to bring the teaching potential of Brooke
's work to younger readers. The story follows a... |
Textual Production | Mary Hays | MH
published with Joseph Johnson
a book for children, Harry Clinton: A Tale for Youth, a historical work adapted from Henry Brooke
's The Fool of Quality. Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993. 247 |
Textual Production | Charlotte Brooke | CB
published at Dublin a corrected third edition in two volumes of the writings of her father, Henry Brooke
(the sentimental novelist, dramatist, and poet), under the title The Poetical Works of Henry Brooke, Esq... |
5 May 1739: Henry Brooke published his tragedy Gustavus...
Writing climate item
5 May 1739
Henry Brooke
published his tragedy Gustavus Vasa, which had been banned from production for its oppositional political views.
Johnson, Samuel. Political Writings. Editor Greene, Donald, Yale University Press, 1977.
10 September 1763: Henry Brooke and others launched a new journal...
Writing climate item
10 September 1763
Henry Brooke
and others launched a new journal in Dublin called the Public Register: and, The Freeman's Journal. In 1806 it changed its title to Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
By December 1773: Henry Brooke published his sentimental novel...
Writing climate item
By December 1773
Henry Brooke
published his sentimental novel Juliet Grenville.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
36 (1773): 443-53
British Library Catalogue.
Brooke, Henry, 1703 - 1783. Brookiana. Printed for R. Phillips, 1804, 2 vols.
Brooke, Henry, 1703 - 1783. The Poetical Works of Henry Brooke, Esq. Editor Brooke, Charlotte, Printed for the editor, 1792, 4 vols. in 2.