Lewis Walpole Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne Damer
Reception Elizabeth Griffith
This was EG 's least successful play. Both in the theatre and in print, responses sound designed to put an impudent female newcomer in her place. Bookseller Tom Davies claimed there was a positive cabal...
Textual Production Hannah Brand
HB addressed to her fellow-lesbian Anne Damer a poem whose manuscript survives at the Lewis Walpole Library at Farmington, Connecticut, along with others of Damer's papers.
Feminist Companion Archive.
under Damer
Textual Production Anne Damer
AD 's activity as a sculptor dates mostly from after 1777. Her best-known works include the keystones of the bridge at Henley, carved to represent the rivers Thames and Isis: completed in 1785, they...
Textual Production Anne Damer
The Lewis Walpole Library holds four volumes of AD 's notebooks, containing extracts from her own letters addressed to a woman who must be Mary Berry , thirteen complete letters from her to Horace Walpole
Textual Production Anne Damer
AD regularly gave away copies of her work to female friends, sometimes as wedding presents.
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
The Chawton House Library copy is inscribed as her gift to the Hon. Agar Ellison . The Lewis Walpole Library
Textual Production Anne Damer
AD seems to have intended to edit her own and her father's papers for publication, but she changed her mind and burned them instead.
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
It seems that the only survivors among her papers are...
Textual Production Mary Delany
A stage of the work was privately and anonymously printed as A Catalogue of Plants Copyed from Nature in Paper Mosaick, finished in the year 1778, and disposed in alphabetical order, according to the generic...
Textual Production Mary Delany
The chief collection of MD 's manuscripts is at the Central Library , Newport, Monmouthshire. Her autobiography has unfortunately disappeared, but other papers are in the Portland Collection at the University of Nottingham ...


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