University of Nottingham


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education D. H. Lawrence
DHL began studying for his teacher's certificate at Nottingham University College (later the University of Nottingham).
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Elstob
She later told Anne Dewes that she blamed herself for having neglected several overtures of acquaintance, especially the one which Lady Betty Hastings made through the intermediary of Mary Astell while William Elstob was still...
Textual Production Ephelia
Her title is A Funerall Elegie on Sr Thomas Isham Barronet The manuscript of the 49-line elegy is at Nottingham University , in a collection of papers of the Dukes of Portland. Its high-quality, watermarked...
Textual Production Elizabeth Heyrick
The fullest collections of EH 's published writings are held (and listed) at LeicesterReference and Information Library and at the University of Nottingham .
Corfield, Kenneth. “Elizabeth Heyrick: Radical Quaker”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 41-67.
Only a minority of them is held by the...
Textual Production Elizabeth (Cavendish) Egerton Countess of Bridgewater
The Portland Collection at the University of Nottingham contains a few letters from Jane and from Elizabeth to their brother Lord Mansfield in April and May 1656.
Travitsky, Betty, and Elizabeth (Cavendish) Egerton, Countess of Bridgewater. “Subordination and Authorship: Elizabeth Cavendish Egerton”. Subordination and Authorship: the case of Elizabeth Cavendish Egerton and her &quot:loose papers", Tempe, Ariz., 1999, pp. 1-172.
Textual Production Mary Delany
The chief collection of MD 's manuscripts is at the Central Library , Newport, Monmouthshire. Her autobiography has unfortunately disappeared, but other papers are in the Portland Collection at the University of Nottingham ...
Textual Production Elizabeth Elstob
The British Library holds some of EE 's papers. Her manuscripts among the Ballard Collection in the Bodleian Library include this biography, her notes for female biography, a short autobiography written in the third person...


1877: The University College, Nottingham, was founded...

Building item


The University College, Nottingham , was founded by the Nottingham City Council; it opened in 1881.
Evans, W. Gareth. Education and Female Emancipation: the Welsh Experience, 1847-1914. University of Wales Press, 1990.
Dent, Harold Collett. 1870-1970: Century of Growth in English Education. Longmans, 1970.
42-3, 152

1877: The University College, Nottingham, was founded...

Building item


The University College, Nottingham , was founded by the Nottingham City Council; it opened in 1881.
Evans, W. Gareth. Education and Female Emancipation: the Welsh Experience, 1847-1914. University of Wales Press, 1990.
Dent, Harold Collett. 1870-1970: Century of Growth in English Education. Longmans, 1970.
42-3, 152

1976: A step was taken towards medical use of Magnetic...

Building item


A step was taken towards medical use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging when Peter Mansfield of Nottingham University for the first time published the results of a MRI scan: of a human finger.
Smith, Alexandra. “Life-changing knowledge highlights from a half-century of university research”. Guardian Weekly, 14–20 July 2006, p. 29.


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