Free French


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Nancy Cunard
NC worked as a translator in London for the Free French , the French government-in-exile during the rule of Marshall Pétain 's Nazi -compliant Vichy government in France.
Chisholm, Anne. Nancy Cunard. Knopf, 1979.
265, 272
Family and Intimate relationships Nancy Mitford
NM began the most serious affair of her life, with Colonel Gaston Palewski , a member of the Free French Forces, and adviser and future minister to General Charles de Gaulle .
Mitford, Nancy. “Critical Materials”. Love from Nancy: The Letters of Nancy Mitford, edited by Charlotte Mosley, Hodder and Stoughton, 1993, p. various pages.
123, 527
Occupation Cecily Mackworth
During the early war years (including the period of the Blitz), CM worked for the Free French at the headquarters in Carlton Gardens, London, of the Bureau Central de Renseignement et d'Action (BCRA) ...
politics Bryher
Assisted by Bryher , Osbert Sitwell organized a Reading of Famous Poets, which was held at the Aeolian Hall in London and benefited de Gaulle 's Free French forces.
Collecott, Diana. H.D. and Sapphic Modernism, 1910-1950. Cambridge University Press, 1999, http://Rutherford HSS.
politics Nancy Cunard
In Paris in the twenties, NC had been associated with Communism. In the thirties, she advocated revolutionary Communism in her anthology NEGRO. She worked for the cause of Republican Spain, and went there during...
Textual Production Nancy Cunard
NC 's brief preface is dated May 1944.
Cunard, Nancy, editor. Poems for France. La France Libre, 1944.
The slim volume has a paper cover with patterned black and red edging, and sold for 6s.6d.. NC intended it to be really much more factual...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Cecily Mackworth
Mackworth met plenty of soldiers, both French and British, who were baffled and upset by the crumbling of French resistance; she also met a few people of right-wing views who felt closer to a German...


17 August 1943: Simone Weil, philosopher and author of The...

Writing climate item

17 August 1943

Simone Weil , philosopher and author of The Need for Roots and Gravity and Grace, died at the Grosvenor Sanatorium in Ashford, Kent.
Kersey, Ethel M. Women Philosophers: A Bio-Critical Source Book. Greenwood, 1989.


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