Simone Weil

Standard Name: Weil, Simone


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Wesley
MW was influenced in her religious thinking by several writers, including Simone Weil and Graham Greene . The novelist Antonia White stood as godmother to them both, and they seem to have fallen in mostly...
Education Simone de Beauvoir
Sent to a private school, the deeply Catholic Adeline Désir Institute ,
Beauvoir, Simone de. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. Translator Kirkup, James, Penguin, 2001.
at five and a half, SB was ecstatic. The idea of entering upon a life of my own intoxicated me,
Beauvoir, Simone de. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. Translator Kirkup, James, Penguin, 2001.
Friends, Associates Antonia White
While working for the Special Operations ExecutivePolitical Intelligence Department , AW met Graham Greene , Simone Weil , and Kathleen Raine .
Chitty, Susan. Now To My Mother. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1985.
Early in the war, as she gradually moved closer to the Church, she wrote...
Intertextuality and Influence Iris Murdoch
In shaping her thought, her father 's influence was primary. Later influences on her thinking and therefore also in her novels were provided by Dostoevsky in particular, by existentialist philosophy as embodied in Sartre ...
Intertextuality and Influence Iris Murdoch
It was influenced, said Murdoch's ex-student Jennifer Dawson , by the thinking of Simone Weil 's L'attente de Dieu.
Dawson, Jennifer. “Impressions of Iris Murdoch, Teacher, in 1951”. The Ship, Vol.
, 2001–2002, pp. 52-3.
Intertextuality and Influence Adrienne Rich
Here AR studies various global and national issues of the past and present, such as the Persian Gulf War, poverty, and the struggles of homosexuals, and Jewish-, African-, and Irish-Americans. Florence Howe has judged that...
Reception Hildegarde of Bingen
In recent times she has made a rapid transition from being unknown to being fashionable for her music and moderately well known for her writings. Her letters were edited in English translation in 1994 and...
Reception Anne Conway
Two of AC 's most recent editors, Coudert and Corse , more forcefully assert that hers is the most interesting and original philosophical treatise written by a woman in the seventeenth century
Conway, Anne. “Introduction”. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, edited by Allison P. Coudert and Taylor Corse, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. vii - xxxiii.
and that...
Textual Features Elizabeth Jennings
Every Changing Shape was reprinted in 1996 by Carcanet Press with a foreword by Michael Schmidt . It collects essays on Christian writers and mystics that address the way that faith informs the creative imagination...
Textual Features Iris Murdoch
Here the quotation of Æschylus ' Hymn to Zeus by the character Max Lejour (modelled on the scholar Eduard Fraenkel , whose famous Aeschylus seminar IM had attended) focuses the book's argument that liberal-humanist optimism...
Textual Production Stevie Smith
SS 's list of requisites for a critic or reviewer goes like this: Attention, impartiality, and no regard for age or sex.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage, 1983.
In April 1941 she was reviewing for John O'London's, Country Life...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Seamus Heaney
In these lectures SH again concerned himself closely with the poet's obligations to society and to humankind. The first lecture, from which the 1995 volume is titled, sets out to show how poetry's existence at...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Anne Carson
The book opens with a sequence of poems, Stops, about love for parents, recognition of approaching death, the the frailty of trivial detail weighted with emotional implication: To my mother, / love / of...


17 August 1943: Simone Weil, philosopher and author of The...

Writing climate item

17 August 1943

Simone Weil , philosopher and author of The Need for Roots and Gravity and Grace, died at the Grosvenor Sanatorium in Ashford, Kent.
Kersey, Ethel M. Women Philosophers: A Bio-Critical Source Book. Greenwood, 1989.


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