John Rylands Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
His letters in the Methodist Archives at the John Rylands Library show him to have had an eye for landscape and a memory for poetry. He died at Margate in Kent on 6 July 1781...
Literary responses Ethel Sidgwick
Letters of ES 's fellow-playwright Allan Monkhouse now at John Rylands Library record his comments on some of her work.
“A. N. Monkhouse Papers”. John Rylands University Library of Manchester (JRULM): Special Collections.
Publishing Margaret Roper
Erasmus had published his commentary at Basel in Switzerland in 1523. The full title of Roper's translation was A Devout Treatise upon the Pater Noster, made fyrst in latyn by the moost famous doctour mayster...
Textual Production Lady Eleanor Butler
LEB and Sarah Ponsonby wrote some of their voluminous correspondence jointly. Writing was one of their major pleasures; they selected paper with loving care, and kept an equally careful tally of replies received and of...
Textual Production Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire
As well as her poem on the Saint Gothard, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, apparently published (in 103 pages, with a printer named but no publisher) a prose account of her travels, Memorandums of the...
Textual Production Mary Bosanquet Fletcher
The Methodist Archives at the John Rylands Library in Manchester include papers, letters, and journals of MBF .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
The papers of Sarah Crosby and especially the Perronet family papers, both at Duke University , include...
Textual Production Elizabeth Gaskell
Despite EG 's attempts to get her often indiscreet letters destroyed, many remain and have been published.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
243, 390
The Letters of Mrs. Gaskell (1966), edited by John Chapple and Arthur Pollard , was followed...
Textual Production Alison Uttley
This book caused AU much anguish in writing. She took the idea from the Babington ancestral home at Dethick, close to her childhood home of Castle Top Farm, and from a dream she...
Textual Production Alison Uttley
Dr Irvin Kerlan of the Kerlan Collection at the University of Minnesota , bought a substantial number
Judd, Denis. Alison Uttley. Michael Joseph, 1986.
of AU 's manuscripts and first editions of her works before he died in December 1963. She...
Textual Production Madeleine Lucette Ryley
Fifteen of MLR 's plays survive in the form of typescripts (which she left to her niece who also had a career in the theatre), now held at the John Rylands Library in Manchester...
Textual Production Mary Russell Mitford
Her papers are widely scattered. In England the British Library , the Bodleian Library , the John Rylands Library , and Berkshire County Library hold important material; so do Harvard University Library and the Huntington Library


1 January 1900: The John Rylands Library at Manchester opened...

Writing climate item

1 January 1900

The John Rylands Library at Manchester opened to the public.
Gentry, Helen, and David Greenhood. Chronology of Books and Printing. Rev. ed., Macmillan, 1936.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Dahl, Svend. Dahl’s History of the Book. Editor Katz, William A., 3rd English ed., Scarecrow Press, 1995.
John Rylands University Library of Manchester.


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