Folger Shakespeare Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Constance Smedley
CS 's father, William Thomas Smedley , was a chartered accountant and company director, a philanthropist, a free-thinker, and a bibliophile. His magnificent Shakespeare -Bacon book collection, including more than a hundred volumes of...
Literary responses Mary Lady Chudleigh
Editor Margaret Ezell notes how several women readers copied MLC 's most celebrated poem, To the Ladies, into irrelevant volumes, which they presumably thought a more secure repository than scraps of paper for a...
Textual Production Anne Locke
While in exile in Geneva, AL had worked on this rendering of modern and revolutionary material. She had only recently returned to London when her work was recorded in the Stationers' Register . Chapter...
Textual Production Hannah More
HM was a formidably energetic letter-writer all her life, from her early visits to London, which produced scintillating and gossippy letters home, to her old age. Individual collections reached print, like those to Zachary Macaulay
Textual Production Hannah Brand
It was printed at Norwich and sold through London publishers. The subscription list was impressive, including Anna Letitia Barbauld , John Brand (presumably HB 's brother) of Hemingston Hall in Suffolk, who took twenty copies...
Textual Production Lady Eleanor Douglas
LED frequently marked up revisions in her printed works, when she had second thoughts about them. A volume in the Folger Library contains copies of many of her tracts with this kind of annotation on...
Textual Production Anne Dowriche
It was entered in the Stationers' Register on 16 June 1589.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Published by A.D., it bears her fully signed dedication to her brother , and the coat of arms of her birth family on...
Textual Production Anne Finch
AF and her husband moved on from her earlier octavo volume of poems in manuscript (perhaps thinking it too restricted in capacity) to a folio volume, Miscellany Poems With Two Plays by Ardelia, now...
Textual Production Lady Mary Wroth
A manuscript of LMW 's sonnet sequence now at the Folger Shakespeare Library includes the six sonnets left unprinted which were part of her original third sequence.
Wroth, Lady Mary. Pamphilia to Amphilanthus. Editor Waller, Gary F., University of Salzburg, 1977.
Textual Production Dorothy White
The Bodleian has a copy, 110 j. 229 (5). DW published under her initials, but included her name in her text. A contemporary reader wrote in White's full surname on the title-page of the copy...
Textual Production Elizabeth Richardson
Elizabeth, Lady Ashburnham (later Elizabeth Richardson, Lady Cramond) , wrote her earliest surviving text: a manuscript book of prayers. It is now in the Folger Shakespeare Library .
Leigh, Dorothy et al. Women’s Writing in Stuart England. Editor Brown, Sylvia, Sutton, 1999.
Textual Production Jane Porter
JP 's unpublished works at the Folger Library include poems, letters, and personal diaries. Other papers of hers are in the Huntington Library . Her brother 's manuscripts, at the University of Kansas and Caracas...
Textual Production Ann Hatton
Letters from AH to Richard Bentley , Douglas Cohen , and J. P. Collier (scholar and forger) survive in the Folger Library , while other manuscripts are held at the Swansea Museum.
Highfill, Philip H. et al. A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Southern Illinois University Press, 1973–1993.
7: 171
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
It used to be said that on her death-bed EI destroyed (at the urging of her confessor) the letters in her possession and diaries which she had been keeping for over fifty years.
Joyce Tompkins...


1662: An anonymous translation appeared of Jacques...

Writing climate item


An anonymous translation appeared of Jacques Olivier 's formal attack on women written in French: the English version was entitled A Discourse of Women, Shewing their Imperfections Alphabetically.
Buchanan, Dave. Augustan Women’s Verse Satire. University of Alberta, 1998.
English Short Title Catalogue.


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