Hertfordshire County Record Office


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Mary Countess Cowper
She spared the part covering the first two years, and what she had written for 1720 (mostly the months of April and May).
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Cowper, Mary, Countess. “Introduction”. Diary, edited by Charles Spencer Cowper, John Murray, 1864, p. v - xvi.
xi, xiv
She must have preserved the latter as evidence that she...
Textual Production Sarah Lady Cowper
Sarah Holled corresponded with her future husband for a couple of years before they were married. Their letters are now among the Panshanger Manuscripts in the Hertfordshire County Record Office , D/EP F23-24. Other extant...
Textual Production Sarah Lady Cowper
The volumes are now among the Panshanger Manuscripts in the Hertfordshire Record Office , numbered D/EP F36-F45; Poems and Sayings is D/EP F36.
Kugler, Anne. Errant Plagiary: The Life and Writing of Lady Sarah Cowper, 1644-1720. Stanford University Press, 2002.
Textual Production Sarah Lady Cowper
SLC was evidently well acquainted with the conventions of keeping a diary. She numbers her pages and records the date of each day in the margin, writing the month, often the year too, at the...
Textual Production Judith Cowper Madan
JCM 's surviving writings, long preserved in family hands, are in the Hertfordshire Record Office , the British Library and the Bodleian . She did not write for publication, though it seems that she was...
Textual Production Carola Oman
CO describes how she wrote this book after a neighbour brought to show her a hoard of family letters and papers, and volumes with covers of Berlin work brilliantly coloured cross-stitch, and were enclosed in...


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