Hogarth Press


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Kathleen E. Innes
KEI published The Reign of Law through Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press .
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Textual Production Ivy Compton-Burnett
After her previous book's success, she had acquired an agent (David Higham of Curtis Brown , who also handled Rose Macaulay and Vita Sackville-West ). In later years she dealt with Spencer Curtis Brown
Textual Production Viola Tree
The Hogarth Press published VT 's autobiography, Castles in the Air, The Story of My Singing Days.
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Editors Bell, Anne Olivier and Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, 1977–1984, 5 vols.
3: 245n2
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
RM 's Catchwords and Claptrap, another volume of essays, was published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press .
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Bensen, Alice. Rose Macaulay. Twayne, 1969.
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
VW published with the Hogarth Press the dazzling
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
essay Walter Sickert : A Conversation.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
642-3, 852n35
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
VW 's final novel, Between the Acts, appeared posthumously from the Hogarth Press . John Lehmann had read the manuscript in March and announced it as forthcoming; she had then taken steps to withdraw...
Textual Production Frances Cornford
The Hogarth Press published the first volume in their Living Poets series: Frances Cornford 's Different Days.
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Textual Production Viola Tree
The Hogarth Press published VT 's etiquette book, Can I Help You?, which she based on her newspaper column and personal memories.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Woolf, Virginia. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editors Nicolson, Nigel and Joanne Trautmann, Hogarth Press, 1975–1980, 6 vols.
6: 111n2
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
RM 's Some Religious Elements in English Literature was published by the Hogarth Press in its Hogarth Lectures on Literature series.
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
RM published her first attempt at contemporary literary criticism, and the first critical study of her chosen author, The Writings of E. M. Forster, with the Hogarth Press .
Bensen, Alice. Rose Macaulay. Twayne, 1969.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
The first publication of the Hogarth Press was Two Stories, Written and Printed by Virginia Woolf and L. S. Woolf: her The Mark on the Wall and his Three Jews.
Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf: A Biography. Hogarth Press, 1972, 2 vols.
2: 43
Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan, 1989.
Textual Production Vita Sackville-West
The Hogarth Press published Twelve Days: An Account of a Journey Across the Bakhtiari Mountains in South-West Persia by VSW .
Woolf, Virginia. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editors Nicolson, Nigel and Joanne Trautmann, Hogarth Press, 1975–1980, 6 vols.
4: 3n6, 3: 551n1
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
Leonard Woolf edited a one-volume selection from VW 's diaries as A Writer's Diary, issued by the Hogarth Press .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Textual Production John Betjeman
JB 's Antiquarian Prejudice was published by the Hogarth Press .
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Mary E. Gaither. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1946. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1986.
Textual Production Nancy Cunard
The Hogarth Press printed and published NC 's long poem Parallax (about six hundred lines), with covers designed by Eugene MacCown ..
Chisholm, Anne. Nancy Cunard. Knopf, 1979.


No timeline events available.