Spencer Curtis Brown

Standard Name: Brown, Spencer Curtis


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Stella Gibbons
In 1954 SG became concerned that her literary career was running down. At the instigation of her friend and fellow novelist Elizabeth Jenkins , she enlisted a new literary agent, Curtis Brown , who helped...
Health Elizabeth Bowen
EB suffered from recurrent bouts of bronchitis and a chronic smoker's cough. In 1972, she was diagnosed with lung cancer and underwent radium treatment. She lost her voice and had considerable difficulty breathing. She was...
Literary responses Rumer Godden
Its first readers loved this book: these included retiring literary agent Curtis Brown , his son Spencer Curtis Brown , and the publishers Peter and Nico Davies (who called it without doubt a masterpiece and...
Literary responses Rumer Godden
This was one of RG 's great successes. Her agent Spencer Curtis Brown said of the central idea, [y]ou do go out of the way to make things difficult. A little boy complained that she...
Literary responses Rumer Godden
This book was a joint Book-of-the-Month Club choice in the USA, and earned RG about $20,000. Spencer Curtis concluded he had been wrong to condemn it; but she feared he might have been right.
Godden, Rumer. A House with Four Rooms. Macmillan, 1989.
Occupation Monica Dickens
Quite early in 1940 (after a spell as a writer and another collecting scrap iron for armaments) MD joined the Red Cross as a VAD (that is, a Voluntary Aid Detachment volunteer nurse), then became...
Occupation Constance Smedley
In her capacity as European representative for the American Everybody's Magazine (edited by John O'Hara Cosgrave ), CS set out to woo various authors including Kenneth Grahame . She writes that she was successful in...
Publishing Rumer Godden
A Breath of Air by RG was published by Michael Joseph (to whom, by contract, she still owed a book although she had moved to Macmillan ) after initial rejection by Spencer Curtis but approbation...
Publishing Rumer Godden
She wrote this novel, she said, in her father-in-law's surgery in a London suburb, pregnant, while her first husband enjoyed his leave on golf-courses up and down Britain. Her pekinese puppy (a breed which...
Publishing Hélène Barcynska
It is often referred to as her first novel (presumably in part because The Little Mother Who Sits at Home was presented as non-fiction).
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
55957 (11 March 1964): 15
She remembered finishing it with her...
Publishing Hélène Barcynska
Pseudonyms, and their financial implications, ended HB 's first marriage. Armiger Barclay wanted her to write not as Sandys, under which name she reaped her own profits, but as Barcynska, which funnelled her earnings to...
Publishing Hélène Barcynska
By about now, says HB , a serial by Oliver Sandys could command two hundred pounds for its first printing, and the book publisher would offer an advance of another two hundred. While she enjoyed...
Publishing Rumer Godden
RG 's peppery agent, Spencer Curtis Brown , found it hard to take her second marriage and eventually had a fist-fight with James Haynes-Dixon outside the Ritz Grill in London. After this they did...
Publishing Mary Renault
MR 's London agent, Spencer Curtis Brown , transferred her for this book to a younger colleague, Juliet O'Hea . O'Hea proved to be very sensitive and sympathetic to MR , and eventually became her...
Reception Rumer Godden
RG herself had misgivings about Gypsy, Gypsy, but her publisher Peter Llewelyn Davies wrote of being enchanted by the story.
Godden, Rumer. A Time to Dance, No Time to Weep. Macmillan, 1987.
Spencer Curtis Brown pointed out that it owed a debt to D. H. Lawrence


No timeline events available.


Brown, Spencer Curtis, and Elizabeth Bowen. “Foreword”. Pictures and Conversations, Alfred A. Knopf, 1975, p. vii - xlii.