Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Katharine S. Macquoid
It was dedicated with much regard to the Hon. Mrs E. S. Talbot ,
Macquoid, Katharine S. Molly Montague’s Love Story. National Society’s Depository, 1911.
wife of a high-church Bishop of Winchester (who moved this year from the see of Rochester to that of Winchester...
Education Maude Royden
MR continued her education at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford , where she read Modern History. She finished in 1899 with BA honours, second class.
Lady Margaret Hall, one of the two first residential women's colleges...
Education Maude Royden
At Lady Margaret Hall , MR met the future internationalist and feminist Kathleen Courtney , who became a life-long friend and a fellow advocate for women's suffrage and for pacifism.
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
Education Sally Purcell
SP received her Oxford BA Honours in Medieval and Modern French after her three years at Lady Margaret Hall .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, 2002, pp. 19-24.
Education Ruth Padel
In 1965 RP entered Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford , having won a scholarship, to read for an Honours BA in Greats: Latin and Greek (language and literature), and philosophy. She was awarded her degree in...
Education Diana Athill
DA entered Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford , after she had tried unsuccessfully for a scholarship and a great-aunt had stepped in with the money.
Athill, Diana. Life Class: The Selected Memoirs of Diana Athill. Granta, 2009.
227, 233
Education Caryl Churchill
CC studied at Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford, where she received her BA Honours degree in English.
Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television. Gale Research.
19: 88
Keyssar, Helene. Feminist Theatre: An Introduction to Plays of Contemporary British and American Women. Macmillan, 1984.
Todd, Janet, editor. Dictionary of British Women Writers. Routledge, 1989.
Education Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin
ENC received her B. Litt. from Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford. She had begun research there in literature of the Renaissance period after her BA and MA at University College, Cork.
Allen Randolph, Jody. “Making it new”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 8, May 2000, pp. 24-5.
Bryce, Colette. “Making a Poem: Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 2010, p. 22.
Education Antonia Fraser
Antonia Pakenham (later AF ) graduated with a BA Honours degree in history from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Education Marina Warner
MW received an Oxford BA in Modern Languages (French and Italian) from Lady Margaret Hall ; following this she received her MA as well.
Moseley, Merritt, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 194. Gale Research, 1998.
194: 281
Education Helen Waddell
HW enrolled as a postgraduate student at Somerville College, Oxford , in November 1920, but never finished either the thesis or the residence requirements for her D.Phil. She developed at this stage an over-riding interest...
Family and Intimate relationships Alice Oswald
Her mother is officially styled Lady Priscilla Mary Rose Keen , reflecting her birth as the daughter of an earl. She is a graduate of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford . She is generally known as...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Yonge
Probably CY 's closest friend was Marianne Dyson , an unmarried invalid twenty years her senior, to whom she habitually signed her letters as Your loving Slave.
qtd. in
Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company, 1943.
Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company, 1943.
The family of George and Mary Anne Moberly
Literary responses Helen Waddell
She was delighted when a rather delightful big American working for the D. Phil. told her she had won the heart of America by her earliest lectures,
qtd. in
Blackett, Monica. The Mark of the Maker: A Portrait of Helen Waddell. Constable, 1973.
and even more delighted with the approval...
Occupation Anne Stevenson
The 1970s saw AS hold academic stipends in three countries. In 1970 she had been awarded a scholarship for research at the Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
In 1973 she...


1502: Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and...

Building item


Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby (also known as Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of the future Henry VII ), endowed the Regius Professorship of Divinity at Cambridge University.
Leach, Arthur Francis. Educational Charters and Documents, 598-1909. AMS Press, 1971.
Tibbs, Rodney. The University and Colleges of Cambridge. Terence Dalton Ltd., 1972.
Powell, Ken, and Chris Cook. English Historical Facts: 1485-1603. Macmillan, 1977.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “Paraphernalia”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 22, 19 Nov. 2009, pp. 24-5.

4 June 1878: Lady Margaret Hall, a women's college at...

Building item

4 June 1878

Lady Margaret Hall , a women's college at Oxford University named after Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby , was founded.
Grier, Miss L. “Women’s Education at Oxford”. Handbook to the University of Oxford, Clarendon, 1956, pp. 291-9.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Keene, Anne. “Mothers of the House”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 2, 2003, pp. 29-31.
29, 30
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press, 2004.

October 1879: Somerville College, one of the two first...

Building item

October 1879

Somerville College , one of the two first residential women's colleges at Oxford University, opened its doors to students.
Green, Vivian Hubert Howard. A History of Oxford University. Batsford, 1974.
Howarth, Janet. “Women”. The History of the University of Oxford: The Twentieth Century, edited by Brian Harrison, Clarendon, 1994, pp. 345-76.
345-6, 374-5
Keene, Anne. “Mothers of the House”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 2, 2003, pp. 29-31.
29, 30

October 1886: St Hugh's College for women was founded at...

Building item

October 1886

St Hugh's College for women was founded at Oxford University; its first principal was Anne Moberly .
Howarth, Janet. “Women”. The History of the University of Oxford: The Twentieth Century, edited by Brian Harrison, Clarendon, 1994, pp. 345-76.
Kemp, Betty. “The Early History of St. Hugh’s College”. St. Hugh’s: One Hundred Years of Women’s Education in Oxford, edited by Penny Griffin, Macmillan, 1986, pp. 15-47.
Keene, Anne. “Mothers of the House”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 2, 2003, pp. 29-31.
29, 30

14 October 1920: A week after the university statutes had...

National or international item

14 October 1920

A week after the university statutes had finally made women eligible for degrees, women graduates of Oxford gathered for the belated award of degrees which they had earned, most of them, years before.


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