Maude Royden

Standard Name: Royden, Maude
Birth Name: Agnes Maude Royden
Indexed Name: A. Maude Royden
Married Name: Agnes Maude Shaw
Married Name: Agnes Maude Royden Shaw
Maude Royden , famous as an early twentieth-century campaigner for women's status in the ministry of the Church of England , was also a preacher, suffragist, feminist, and anti-war activist. She published at least fifty works in forty years, most of them polemical. Her pamphlets, sermons, and speeches range in topic through religion and Christianity, women's role in the Church , sexual morality and birth control, female suffrage and women's rights, pacifism, and national and international politics. She established the interdenominational fellowship the Guildhouse in 1920, preached there, and published the monthly Guildhouse Fellowship. From the 1910s until the late 1940s, she published many letters to the editor of the Times as well as articles there. Her autobiography details her unconventionally shared life with the Rev. Hudson Shaw and his wife .


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Monica Furlong
It is the exercise of power which Murdoch calls a dangerous delight. Furlong quotes this passage as epigraph along with a remark by Daphne Hampson : that religion is the most potent ideology the world...
Literary responses Dora Marsden
The close friendship of these two was near its end. Letters on The Freewoman from Mary Augusta (Mrs Humphry) Ward and Agnes Maude Royden , a prominent member of the NUWSS , were printed in...
Literary responses Mary Gawthorpe
The paper was highly controversial from its inception. Not only anti-suffragists and anti-feminists, but also sexual conservatives like Maude Royden and Millicent Garrett Fawcett disliked it. But a suffragist wrote to MG from the USA...
Occupation Eleanor Rathbone
ER took on this new visitor role at a time when she had been Parliamentary Secretary of the LiverpoolWomen's Suffrage Society for five years. Settlements were a way for young people of education to...
Occupation Kathleen E. Innes
Among those drafted to form the Mandate's Honorary Council in Britain were prominent politicians, clergy, feminists, and writers such as Margaret Ashton , Margaret Bondfield , Vera Brittain , Arthur Henderson , Laurence Housman ,...
politics George Egerton
GE never identified herself with a single political group or party, but her second husband 's conservative politics influenced her to some degree.Terence de Vere White , who edited her letters, describes her as...
politics Susan Miles
Here Ursula Roberts took up suffragette activism. She sold the pamphlet Votes for Women in the streets of Rugby; her husband wrote letters to newspapers denouncing force-feeding of suffragists in prison, and spoke at...
politics Isabella Ormston Ford
Several members of the Women's International League were committed suffragists, including Helena Swanwick , Maude Royden , Margaret Ashton , Kate Courtney , and Charlotte Despard . Others were IOF 's old friends from the...
politics Virginia Woolf
With the declaration of war, however, on 4 August, 1914, VW 's politics and those of the NUWSS parted company. The NUWSS supported the government, and on August the sixth resolved to suspend political activity...
politics Dorothy Wellesley
Her fellow signatories included Violet Bonham Carter , Stafford Cripps , archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans , historian H. A. L. Fisher , scientist-philosopher Julian Huxley , sculptor Laura Knight , writers Edith Lyttelton and J. B. Priestley
politics Pamela Hansford Johnson
During the 1970s PHJ declared herself in sympathy with many of the aims of the Women's Liberation Movement. Equal pay for equal work, equality of opportunity, in so far as it is possible.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford. Important to Me. Macmillan; Scribner, 1974.
politics Edith Lyttelton
A letter in the Times signed by EL , Margaret Bondfield , and Maude Royden drew attention to half a million unemployed women workers, many of whom faced starvation or were compelled to accept derisory...
Textual Features Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
Extending Mill 's idea that the unemancipated woman was a danger to the community,
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Leisured Women. Hogarth Press, 1928.
MHVR argues that the pseudo-equality
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Leisured Women. Hogarth Press, 1928.
of limited enfranchisement is more dangerous than absolute oppression, and that the half-way house...
Textual Features Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
She opens her discussion here with a question: What does the Woman's Movement mean and what is its significance in our modern life?
Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline. The Meaning of the Woman’s Movement. Woman’s Press.
First of all, she answers, the movement signifies the awakening of...
Textual Production Susan Miles
The Bodleian Library holds SM 's wartime journal and an unpublished memoir; the Women's Library holds other papers (including correspondence with Maude Royden ).
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.


15 April 1909: The Common Cause, the official organ of the...

Building item

15 April 1909

The Common Cause, the official organ of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies , began weekly publication in Manchester.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.
Mappen, Ellen. Helping Women at Work: The Women’s Industrial Council, 1889-1914. Hutchinson in association with the Explorations in Feminism Collective, 1985.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

January 1912: The Church League for Women's Suffrage began...

Building item

January 1912

The Church League for Women's Suffrage began monthly publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

Early August 1914: In response to the support for Britain's...

National or international item

Early August 1914

In response to the support for Britain's war effort pledged by Millicent Garrett Fawcett and other National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies Executive Committee members, several leading members of the Union resigned to form the...

December 1914: A group of Christian pacifists including,...

Building item

December 1914

A group of Christian pacifists including, among others, George Lansbury , Maude Royden , William Temple , Dr Henry Hodgkin , and Leyton Richards , held a meeting at Cambridge to found the Fellowship of Reconciliation

January 1916: The Coming Day, a suffragette periodical...

Building item

January 1916

The Coming Day, a suffragette periodical from the Free Church League for Women's Suffrage, began monthly publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

: The National Council for Adult Suffrage was...

National or international item

Autumn 1916

The National Council for Adult Suffrage was founded. Its early joint secretaries were Maude Royden and James Middleton .
Sharp, Evelyn. Unfinished Adventure. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1933.

29 March 1917: The Life and Liberty Movement, founded and...

Building item

29 March 1917

The Life and Liberty Movement , founded and led by William Temple , met for the first time at St Martin's Vicarage in London.
Heeney, Brian. “The Beginnings of Church Feminism: Women and the Councils of the Church of England, 1897-1919”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 260-84.
264, 275
Wilkinson, Alan. The Church of England and the First World War. SPCK, 1978.
Iremonger, Frederic. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury: His Life and Letters. Editor Somervell, David Churchill, Abridged ed., Oxford University Press, 1963.

December 1917: The Church League for Women's Suffrage ended...

Building item

December 1917

The Church League for Women's Suffrage ended monthly publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

January 1918: The Church Militant, an Anglican feminist...

Building item

January 1918

The Church Militant, an Anglican feminist monthly campaigning for the ordination of women, began.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

30 January 1920: The Common Cause, the official organ of the...

Building item

30 January 1920

The Common Cause, the official organ of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies , ended publication in London under this name, even as subtitle. The next number appeared as The Woman's Leader.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

14 May 1920: Time and Tide began publication, offering...

Building item

14 May 1920

Time and Tide began publication, offering a feminist approach to literature, politics, and the arts: Naomi Mitchison called it the first avowedly feminist literary journal with any class, in some ways ahead of its time...

June 1920: The Coming Day, from the Free Church League...

Building item

June 1920

The Coming Day, from the Free Church League for Women's Suffrage , ended its monthly publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

October 1928: The Church Militant, a feminist Anglican...

Writing climate item

October 1928

The Church Militant, a feminist Anglican monthly, ended publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

November 1935: Boriswood Limited was in court again (having...

Writing climate item

November 1935

Boriswood Limited was in court again (having only a year earlier been fined for publication of Boy), this time for publication of a scientific and philosophical study, The Sexual Impulse by Edward Charles .
Craig, Alec. The Banned Books of England and Other Countries. George Allen and Unwin, 1962.
Thomas, Donald. A Long Time Burning: The History of Literary Censorship in England. Frederick A. Praeger, 1969.

October 1955: The Guildhouse Fellowship ended publication...

Building item

October 1955

The Guildhouse Fellowship ended publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.


Royden, Maude. "Votes and Wages". National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, 1911.
Royden, Maude. "Votes and Wages". 2nd ed., National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, 1912.
Royden, Maude. A Threefold Cord. Victor Gollancz.
Rathbone, Eleanor et al. Equal Pay and the Family: A Proposal for the National Endowment of Motherhood. Headley, 1918.
Royden, Maude. Extracts from May Mission Speeches Delivered in London. Church League for Women’s Suffrage, 1910.
Royden, Maude. “Modern Love”. The Making of Women: Oxford Essays in Feminism, edited by Victor Gollancz, George Allen and Unwin, 1917, pp. 36-63.
Royden, Maude. Political Christianity. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922.
Royden, Maude. Sex and Common-Sense. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922.
Royden, Maude. The Church and Woman. J. Clarke, 1924.
Royden, Maude. The Great Adventure. Headley Brothers, 1915.
Royden, Maude. The Ministry of Women. League of the Church Militant.
Royden, Maude. “The Woman’s Movement of the Future”. The Making of Women: Oxford Essays in Feminism, edited by Victor Gollancz, George Allen and Unwin, 1917, pp. 128-46.
Royden, Maude. Women and the Church of England. George Allen and Unwin, 1916.
Royden, Maude. Women at the World’s Crossroads. Woman’s Press, 1922.
Royden, Maude. Women’s Partnership in the New World. George Allen and Unwin, 1941.