In 1913 the Woman's Press
published speeches by the accused at the trial of EPL
, her husband
, and Emmeline Pankhurst
in 1912, when all three were charged with conspiring to cause harm. The...
Purvis, June. “Introduction: The Suffragette and Women’s History”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 357-61.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
's reputation fell sharply after the turn of the century. Virginia Woolf
wittily remarked in the 1930s: fate has not been kind to Mrs Browning as a writer. Nobody reads her, nobody discusses her...
gives six reasons why: to end taxation without...
Textual Production
Maude Royden
In 1928, a collection of Miscellaneous Reprints of Sermons, Addresses, and Lectures, most of which MR
had written for the League of the Church Militant
between 1916 and 1925, appeared in the USA....
Textual Production
Christabel Pankhurst
gave a speech at the St James's Hall under the title The Militant Methods of the N.W.S.P.U., which was published verbatim by the Woman's Press
the same year.
Pankhurst, Christabel. “The Militant Methods of the N. W. S. P. U”. Suffrage and the Pankhursts, edited by Jane Marcus, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987, pp. 34-50.
The March of the Women was published in the year of its composition in ES
's little collection Songs of Sunrise, through the Woman's Press
, with an illustration by Margaret Morris
. Emmeline Pankhurst