Emmeline Pankhurst

Standard Name: Pankhurst, Emmeline
Birth Name: Emmeline Goulden
Married Name: Emmeline Pankhurst
EP 's writings, produced during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, range from published political speeches to autobiography. All concern her lifelong struggle for women's emancipation.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Gladys Henrietta Schütze
GHS involved herself with the Liberal Party in about 1906, and the Women's Social and Political Union soon afterwards. She worked with the Pankhursts and militant suffragettes. During World War One, prejudice against her husband's...
Cultural formation Amber Reeves
Born a New Zealander, she clearly regarded herself later in life as English. Her parents were highly educated professionals. Her mother was a suffragist, and both parents became members of the Fabian Society (founded three...
Education Phyllis Bentley
Bentley was the first person in her family to receive such an extensive and expensive education: none of her brothers went beyond the secondary school level, and it was understood that Cheltenham was preparation for...
Employer Dora Marsden
By this time Marsden was earning an annual salary of £108. She resigned from the Union after one of its central committees (which included Christabel Pankhurst , Emmeline Pankhurst , and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence ) refused...
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Pankhurst
CP adopted Betty (Elizabeth Tudor), one of the four war babies previously adopted by her mother .
Purvis, June. Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography. Routledge, 2002.
Mitchell, David J. Queen Christabel: A Biography of Christabel Pankhurst. Macdonald and Jane’s, 1977.
250, 261-3
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Pankhurst
CP 's mother was the suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst . CP enjoyed a very close relationship with her mother, which had the effect of excluding her next sister, Sylvia .
Castle, Barbara. Sylvia and Christabel Pankhurst. Penguin, 1987.
Mitchell, David J. The Fighting Pankhursts: A Study in Tenacity. MacMillan, 1967.
Family and Intimate relationships Muriel Spark
MS 's maternal grandparents lived over her grandmother's shop at 288 High Street, Watford, where Muriel spent summer holidays as a child. This grandmother, Adelaide Uezzell , had been a suffragette and an acquaintance...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Richardson
DR began a close friendship with Veronica Leslie-Jones , a militant suffragette and friend of the PankhurstsChristabel PankhurstSylvia Pankhurst ; this introduction was the most significant result for her of participating in the Arachne Club .
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
43, 50-1
Winning, Joanne. The Pilgrimage of Dorothy Richardson. University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
SP was officially expelled from the WSPU for her socialist activities, an exclusion which she fought in various ways; this cemented her split from her mother and sister .
Winslow, Barbara, and Sheila Rowbotham. Sylvia Pankhurst: Sexual Politics and Political Activism. UCL Press, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Katharine Bruce Glasier
Largely because of KBG 's feelings on the subject, the couple initially planned not to have children, so that they could both continue to devote their lives to the socialist cause. But KBG's mind was...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Gawthorpe
Just before this family drama MG had acquired a boyfriend. He has been identified as T. B. (Tom) Garrs , a compositor on the Yorkshire Post and an enthusiast about music, whom she had met...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
SP 's mother was the famous suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst . She was twenty years younger than her husband, and joined in his enthusiastic political campaigns before becoming involved in politics on her own. Sylvia always...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
Because of political differences and the scandalous birth of her illegitimate child, SP was not permitted to visit when her mother was dying; Emmeline never met her grandson.
Romero, Patricia W. E. Sylvia Pankhurst: Portrait of a Radical. Yale University Press, 1987.
5-7, 16-17, 25, 168
Family and Intimate relationships Lydia Becker
One of LB 's allies in Manchester suffrage politics was Richard Pankhurst . Her letters suggest that she found him congenial and entertaining. Possibly hostile rumours later suggested that she hoped to marry him, and...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
From this point the East London Federation of Suffragettes dropped its connection with the WSPU. In 1916, on hearing about an anti-conscription rally organized by Sylvia, Emmeline Pankhurst cabled from America: Strongly repudiate Sylvia's foolish...


1866: The Royal Society of Arts established a scheme...

National or international item


The Royal Society of Arts established a scheme (believed to be the first in the world) for setting up commemorative plaques on buildings associated with famous people.
Quinn, Ben. “Plaque blues. Cuts hit heritage scheme”. Guardian Weekly, 11 Jan. 2013, p. 16.

18 August 1882: The Married Women's Property Act gave women...

National or international item

18 August 1882

The Married Women's Property Act gave women the right to all the property they earned or acquired before or during marriage.
Holcombe, Lee. Wives and Property: Reform of the Married Women’s Property Law in Nineteenth-Century England. University of Toronto Press, 1983.
Soldon, Norbert. Women in British Trade Unions 1874-1976. Gill and Macmillan, 1978.
Weeks, Jeffrey. Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800. Longman, 1981.
Hurwitz, Edith F., and Renate Bridenthal. “The International Sisterhood”. Becoming Visible: Women in European History, edited by Claudia Koonz, Houghton Mifflin, 1977, pp. 325-4.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
“Property Rights of Women”. What You Need to Know About Women’s History.
Blackstone, Sir William, and Edward Christian. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 15th ed., Vol.
4 vols.
, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1809.
Roberts, Marie Mulvey, and Tamae Mizuta, editors. The Wives: The Rights of Married Women. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1994, http://University of Waterloo - Porter.
Lacey, Candida Ann, editor. Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon and the Langham Place Group. Routledge, 1987.

10 December 1884: The Representation of the People Act, sometimes...

National or international item

10 December 1884

The Representation of the People Act, sometimes called the Third Reform Act, extended the male-only franchise.
Craig, Fred W. S. British Electoral Facts 1832-1987. 5th ed., Parliamentary Research Services, 1989.
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History, 1714-1980. Longman, 1983.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

25 July 1889: The Women's Franchise League, an organisation...

National or international item

25 July 1889

The Women's Franchise League , an organisation committed to including married women in future women's suffrage proposals, was formed in London by Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy , Alice Scatcherd , and Harriet M'Ilquham and others.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. Suffrage Days: Stories from the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Routledge, 1996.

27 June 1907: The Women's Franchise began weekly publication...

Building item

27 June 1907

The Women's Franchise began weekly publication in London; it featured contributions from major societies within the suffrage movement and from individuals.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

October 1907: Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst and Emmeline...

National or international item

October 1907

Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst and Emmeline and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence , wanting to maintain control over the Women's Social and Political Union agenda, removed by fiat dissident members of the executive and cancelled the forthcoming annual...

November 1907: Charlotte Despard and Teresa Billington Greig...

National or international item

November 1907

Charlotte Despard and Teresa Billington Greig left the Women's Social and Political Union to form the Women's Freedom League .
Holton, Sandra Stanley. “Women and the Vote”. Women’s History: Britain, 1850-1945, edited by June Purvis and June Purvis, University College London, 1995, pp. 277-05.
Garner, Les. Stepping Stones to Women’s Liberty: Feminist Ideas in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1900-1918. Heinemann Educational, 1984.

21 June 1908: The Women's Social and Political Union organised...

National or international item

21 June 1908

The Women's Social and Political Union organised a Woman's Sunday which involved (according to the Times estimate) between 250,000 and 500,000 people, mostly women. The WSPU called it Britain's largest-ever political meeting.
Tickner, Lisa. The Spectacle of Women: Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign, 1907-1914. University of Chicago Press, 1988.
91-4, 96-7

18 September 1909: Women's Social and Political Union members...

National or international item

18 September 1909

Women's Social and Political Union members Mary Leigh and Charlotte Marsh , imprisoned in Winson Green , Birmingham, began fasting; they were ordered by Home Secretary Herbert Gladstone to be forcibly fed.
Hume, Leslie Parker. The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914. Garland, 1982.
Tickner, Lisa. The Spectacle of Women: Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign, 1907-1914. University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Seymour, David, and Emily Seymour, editors. A Century of News. Contender Books, 2003.
Lytton, Constance. Prisons and Prisoners. Heinemann, 1914.

27 July 1911: The Women's Franchise, which featured contributions...

Building item

27 July 1911

The Women's Franchise, which featured contributions from major societies within the suffrage movement and from individuals, ceased publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

25 April 1913: The Cat and Mouse Act (Prisoners' Temporary...

National or international item

25 April 1913

The Cat and Mouse Act (Prisoners' Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health Act) received royal assent; the Act empowered authorities to release hunger-strikers from prison long enough for them to regain their health, after which they were...

9 October 1915: Christabel Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst,...

Building item

9 October 1915

Christabel Pankhurst , Emmeline Pankhurst , Flora Drummond , and Annie Kenney edited the first issue of Britannia, a weekly suffragette periodical and organ of the Women's Social and Political Union formerly known as The Suffragette.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.
Dancyger, Irene. A World of Women: An Illustrated History of Women’s Magazines. Gill and Macmillan, 1978.
Garner, Les. Stepping Stones to Women’s Liberty: Feminist Ideas in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1900-1918. Heinemann Educational, 1984.

November 1917: The Women's Social and Political Union became...

Building item

November 1917

The Women's Social and Political Union became the Women's Party .
Garner, Les. Stepping Stones to Women’s Liberty: Feminist Ideas in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1900-1918. Heinemann Educational, 1984.

20 December 1918: Britannia, a suffragette magazine which had...

National or international item

20 December 1918

Britannia, a suffragette magazine which had opted to support Britain's military efforts during the First World War, ended publication in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.
Dancyger, Irene. A World of Women: An Illustrated History of Women’s Magazines. Gill and Macmillan, 1978.

6 July 1928: Four days after the Representation of the...

Building item

6 July 1928

Four days after the Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act received the royal assent, a celebratory breakfast was held at the Hotel Cecil in London.
“July 6, 1928, Celebrating full women’s suffrage”. Guardian Weekly, 6 July 2007, p. 20.


Greer, Germaine, and Emmeline Pankhurst. “Foreword”. Freedom or death, Guardian News and Media, 2007.
Pankhurst, Emmeline, and Germaine Greer. Freedom or death. Guardian News and Media, 2007.
Pankhurst, Emmeline. My Own Story. Editor Dorr, Rheta Childe, Eveleigh Nash, 1914.
Pankhurst, Emmeline. “The Present Position of the Women’s Suffrage Movement”. The Case for Women’s Suffrage, edited by Frederick John Shaw, T. F. Unwin, 1907, pp. 42-9.