John Rocca

Standard Name: Rocca, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Germaine de Staël
Apart from her short-lived legitimate daughter, GS had two sons by Narbonne , a daughter, Albertine, the result of her affair with Benjamin Constant , and a youngest son whose father was John Rocca .
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
Family and Intimate relationships Germaine de Staël
As years went on GS became notorious for her propensity to be desperately in love with some handsome young man including Benjamin Constant (whom she met in September 1794) and Prosper de Barante . Few...
Family and Intimate relationships Germaine de Staël
Her husband being dead and her daughter married, GS married her young lover John Rocca in autumn 1816.
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.


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