Marcet, Jane. “Introduction”. Chemistry in the Schoolroom: 1806, edited by Hazel Rossotti, AuthorHouse, 2006, p. i - xxi.
iii, v n6
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Friends, Associates | Mary Berry | Despite her relative poverty, MB
moved easily in circles of the great and the good. Her closest friends were Anne Damer
(whose death in 1828 was a terrible loss), Joanna Baillie
(whom in 1831 she... |
Friends, Associates | Jane Marcet | JM
probably knew her husband's friends Edward Jenner
and William Hyde Wollaston
; she certainly knew and corresponded with John Yelloy
. She was a friend on her own account of Margaret Bryan
, Marcet, Jane. “Introduction”. Chemistry in the Schoolroom: 1806, edited by Hazel Rossotti, AuthorHouse, 2006, p. i - xxi. iii, v n6 |
Friends, Associates | Harriet Martineau | In 1838, HM
met the British diplomat David Urquhart
, who was known for his championship of Turkey against Russia. Although she recorded her dislike for his social egotism and misogynistic opinions, his hatred and... |
Friends, Associates | Thomas Moore | TM
had a talent for beginning friendships under bizarre circumstances. Francis Jeffrey
's review of Moore's anti-American Epistles, Odes, and other Poems (1806) sparked a famous (short-lived) feud between the two men. Jeffrey's negative review... |
Friends, Associates | Catherine Crowe | CC
had already become a friend of Sydney Smith
and his family. In Edinburgh she became friendly with members of various intellectual circles, including astronomer John Pringle Nichol
, chemist Samuel Brown
, artist David Scott |
Friends, Associates | Catherine Fanshawe | CF
's friends included other highly literate middle-class women such as Mary Berry
and Anne Grant
in Edinburgh. (Her friendship with Grant was maintained entirely by correspondence—she and her sisters hoped to visit Edinburgh in... |
Friends, Associates | Anne Grant | She became a noted figure in Edinburgh literary and social circles. Among her friends were Lady Charlotte Campbell (later Bury)
, Paston, George, and George Paston. “Mrs. Grant of Laggan”. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century, E. P. Dutton, 1901, pp. 237-96. 284 |
Friends, Associates | Elizabeth Hamilton | While in Wales they visited Lady Eleanor Butler
and Sarah Ponsonby
(the ladies of Llangollen) and in the Lakes they stayed with Elizabeth Smith
and her family. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1818, 2 vols. 1: 152-4 Smith, Elizabeth, 1776 - 1806. Fragments, In Prose and Verse. Editor Bowdler, Henrietta Maria, Richard Cruttwell, 1811. 151 |
Friends, Associates | Felicia Hemans | While in Scotland she met not only Scott
and Jeffrey
, she met in person her publisher William Blackwood
, writer Anne Grant
, critic John Wilson
, and sculptor Angus Fletcher
. Lawrence, Rose. The Last Autumn at a Favorite Residence, with Other Poems. G. and J. Robinson, etc. and John Murray, 1836. 347 Hughes, Harriet Browne Owen, and Felicia Hemans. “Memoir of Mrs. Hemans”. The Works of Mrs. Hemans, W. Blackwood, 1839, pp. 1-315. 201 |
Literary responses | Felicia Hemans | FH
's critical standing was high following the publication of Records of Woman. In October 1829 Francis Jeffrey
published a laudatory and influential review of her poetry (ostensibly of the second editions of Records... |
Literary responses | Joanna Baillie | The Chief Justice of Ceylon, Sir Alexander Johnstone
, asked that two of JB
's last plays be translated into Singalese.One—The Bride, A Tragedy (published in summer 1828), had a Singalese subject. Quarterly Review. J. Murray. 38 (1828): 602 |
Literary responses | Anne Hunter | Francis Jeffrey
's notice in the Edinburgh Review was a classic of damning by faint praise: he found most of the poems very decently written but extremely deficient in fire and animation. qtd. in Hunter, Anne. The Life and Poems of Anne Hunter, Haydn’s Tuneful Voice. Editor Grigson, Caroline, Liverpool University Press, 2009. 67 |
Literary responses | Lucy Hutchinson | The Critical gave this book a long and admiring review. It was not a little delighted Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series. 3d ser. 10 (1807): 87 |
Literary responses | Dorothea Primrose Campbell | The influential reviewer Francis Jeffrey
later recalled finding this a work of much promise and originality. Archives of the Royal Literary Fund, 1790-1918. |
Literary responses | Maria Edgeworth | The collection was warmly reviewed by Francis Jeffrey
in the Edinburgh Review. Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972. 339-40 |