Lucy Hutchinson

Standard Name: Hutchinson, Lucy
Birth Name: Lucy Apsley
Married Name: Lucy Hutchinson
LH has been long known as the author of memoirs of her husband which are also a significant historical account of the Englich Civil War. Her petitions and religious writings were also known, though less read than the memoir. With the late-twentieth-century appearance in print of further works (original poems, and verse translations or paraphrases from Lucretius and from the Bible), she is beginning to assume the appearance of a major poet.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Wharton
AW 's father, Sir Henry Lee of Ditchley Park, about four miles from Woodstock, Oxfordshire, died of smallpox before she was born. His family had connections with Elizabeth Cary (Lady Falkland) , Lucy Hutchinson , and Katherine Philips .
Wharton, Anne. “Introduction”. The Surviving Works of Anne Wharton, edited by Germaine Greer and Selina Hastings, Stump Cross Books, 1997, pp. 1-124.
Intertextuality and Influence Lucy Aikin
LA 's preface denies the absurd notion that absolute gender equality might be feasible and advises women not to attempt to become inferior men. But she asserts, there is not an endowment, or propensity, or...
Intertextuality and Influence Maria De Fleury
She heads her work with the quotation What think ye of Christ? (a question which St Matthew's Gospel reports Jesus as asking the Pharisees, arguably as a kind of trick), and adds, admiringly, others from...
Leisure and Society Carola Oman
In a letter to the Times in 1962, CO described a bookcase in her writing-room which held the works she described as All the Winners. For a writer of fairly conservative views and strong...
Literary responses Lady Rachel Russell
As love-letters, they made a great and immediate impression on their readers. Yet later this year Mary Russell Mitford wrote of LRR with dislike. Mitford found her heavy, preachy, and prosy. As a writer, she...
Reception Brilliana Lady Harley
After having been long admired for their picture of female heroism in time of need, BLH 's letters are now coming under scrutiny as expressions of domestic Puritan ideology and of the involvement of private...
Reception Lady Anne Clifford
In 2003 Cumbria Record Office in Kendal bought from Sotheby's a complete set of the Great Books, a fair copy made in the years preceding 1652, with about 70 pages of LAC 's own...
Textual Features Aphra Behn
She praised Creech's version (the first available in English) as making ancient learning available to women, whose education (according to the scanted Customs of the Nation)
Behn, Aphra. The Works of Aphra Behn. Editor Todd, Janet, William Pickering, 1992, 7 Vols.
1: 25
keeps women from reading great writers...
Textual Features Caroline Frances Cornwallis
The letters span nearly fifty years, from 1810 to 1856. They give a vivid picture of CFC 's dedication to her studies and her publications. (The first records returning a copy of Elizabeth Montagu 's...
Textual Production Mary Lady Chudleigh
According to George Ballard , MLC left in manuscript occasional poems, imitations and translations of Lucian (also translated by Lucy Hutchinson ), two tragedies, two operas, and a masque.
Chudleigh, Mary, Lady. “Introduction”. The Poems and Prose of Mary, Lady Chudleigh, edited by Margaret J. M. Ezell, Oxford University Press, 1993, p. xvii - xxxvi.
They remained in her family...
Textual Production Dorothy Sidney Countess of Sunderland
DSCS was close to her son-in-law, and continued a correspondence with him years after her daughter's death. Her letters to Halifax were published by Mary Berry in 1819, together with the letters of Lady Rachel Russell
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Lady Louisa Stuart
LLS 's correspondence during the years 1827-39, when she was composing her Introductory Anecdotes on her grandmother, throws much light on attitudes to female authorship. Selections includes her acute, even satirical, comment on the Bluestockings...


20 August 1642: Charles I raised his standard at Nottingham...

National or international item

20 August 1642

Charles I raised his standard at Nottingham with the intention of reducing his rebellious people to subjection: thus began the English Civil War.
Marriott, Sir John A. R. Oxford, Its Place in National History. Clarendon, 1933.
Morrill, John. “The Stuarts (1603-1688)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 286-51.

11 September 1648: In a petition to Parliament, a group of Englishwomen...

Women writers item

11 September 1648

In a petition to Parliament , a group of Englishwomen claimed a proportionable share in the Freedoms of this commonwealth with men.
Purkiss, Diane. The English Civil War, A People’s History. Harper Perennial, 2007.

Between 14 and 17 October 1660: A group of those associated with the execution...

National or international item

Between 14 and 17 October 1660

A group of those associated with the execution of Charles I (several of the almost sixty Regicides who in various official capacities had signed his death-warrant, and others) were executed by hanging.
Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn. Editor De Beer, Esmond Samuel, Oxford University Press, 1959.


Hutchinson, Lucy. “Introduction”. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, edited by James Sutherland, Oxford University Press, 1973, p. xi - xx.
Lucretius, and Lucretius. “Introduction”. Lucy Hutchinson’s Translation of Lucretius, "De rerum natura", edited by Hugh De Quehen, translated by. Lucy Hutchinson, University of Michigan Press, 1996, pp. 1-20.
Hutchinson, Lucy. “Introduction, Chronology”. Order and Disorder, edited by David Norbrook, Blackwell, 2001, p. i - lviii.
Lucretius,. Lucy Hutchinson’s Translation of Lucretius, "De rerum natura". Editor De Quehen, Hugh, Translator Hutchinson, Lucy, University of Michigan Press, 1996.
Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Editor Hutchinson, Julius, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806.
Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Editor Sutherland, James, Oxford University Press, 1973.
Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Hutchinson, Lucy. On the Principles of the Christian Religion, Addressed to her Daughter; and, On Theology. Editor Hutchinson, Julius, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817.
Hutchinson, Lucy. Order and Disorder. Editor Norbrook, David, Blackwell, 2001.