Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda

Standard Name: Rhondda, Margaret Haig,,, Viscountess
Birth Name: Margaret Haig Thomas
Pseudonym: Candida
Married Name: Margaret Haig Mackworth
Titled: Margaret Haig Mackworth, Viscountess Rhondda
MHVR , is remembered for her leading role in the struggle for suffrage and equality, as a founder of the Six Point Group , and the woman who made possible the very influential Time and Tide: An Independent Non-Party Weekly Review. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography calls her the leading feminist during a long stretch of the twentieth century. She wrote letters, pamphlets, editorials, a memoir, and two collections of essays, travel writing and reviews.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications E. M. Delafield
EMD 's novel Thank Heaven Fasting was published with a dedication to Margaret Rhondda which praises the sincerity and strength of [her] own work, both in Time and Tide and elsewhere.
Delafield, E. M. Thank Heaven Fasting. Macmillan, 1932.
McCullen, Maurice. E. M. Delafield. Twayne, 1985.
Powell, Violet. The Life of a Provincial Lady. Heinemann, 1988.
Dedications Winifred Holtby
WH published Truth Is Not Sober, a collection of short stories dedicated to Lady Rhondda .
Shaw, Marion. The Clear Stream: A Life of Winifred Holtby. Virago, 1999.
Education Cecily Mackworth
She then attended Sherborne Girls' School , a respected boarding school at Sherborne inDorset. After school, her aunt Lady Rhondda , who was a governor of the London School of Economics, secured a...
Education Hope Mirrlees
She later attended St Andrews Preparatory School, and after that St Leonard's school (also in the city of St Andrewsin Scotland), a progressive and academically high-flying girls' public school which also ecucated Margaret Haig, Viscountess Rhondda
Employer Muriel Jaeger
Several times Sayers' letters to her parents mention MJ getting on the wrong side of employers. On 26 October 1920 Jaeger had got into a quarrel with her employer [presumably Lady Rhondda ] and flung...
Family and Intimate relationships Cecily Mackworth
Margaret, Viscountess Rhondda , was CM 's aunt by marriage, since her husband, Humphrey Mackworth , was the eldest surviving brother of Cecily's father. She was kind to Cecily during the latter's childhood, and later...
Friends, Associates Winifred Holtby
Through her work with the Six Point Group and Time and Tide, WH met the founder of both, Margaret Haig, Lady Rhondda . Their professional relationship grew into a friendship, and WH dedicated her...
Friends, Associates Helen Waddell
Friends from HW 's time at Somerville included Maude Clarke , whom she had known as a child and whose Oxford position had been one of the incentives to go there, and archaelogist Helen Lorimer
Friends, Associates Evelyn Underhill
EU and her husband led active social lives, often entertaining friends and colleagues at their home. Blanche Alethea Crackanthorpe introduced her to Marie Belloc Lowndes , who became a friend of Underhill and called her...
Friends, Associates Ann Bridge
AB 's correspondents included Ka Arnold-Foster , John Betjeman , E. M. Forster , Margaret Haig Rhondda , Margaret Irwin , John Masefield , Naomi Mitchison , I. A. Richards , Vita Sackville-West , and...
Friends, Associates Kate O'Brien
During her time at Oxford, KOB developed friendships with the Irishwoman Enid Starkie (a French scholar of note and later the holder of the Légion d'Honneur) and the English novelist E. M. Delafield . The...
Intertextuality and Influence E. M. Delafield
Lady Rhondda , the editor of Time and Tide, had approached EMD earlier in 1929 about writing a light serial for the journal. EMD then attended a lunch with Lady Rhondda, at which George Bernard Shaw
Intertextuality and Influence E. M. Delafield
The diary abounds with references to contemporary literature, including several internal allusions to Time and Tide. The Provincial Lady engages in friendly rivalry over its competitions for readers and describes social encounters with the...
Leisure and Society Dorothy L. Sayers
Other speakers in this series included T. S. Eliot and Lady Rhondda .
Literary responses Elizabeth Robins
ER 's publisher, Hutchinson , blamed this book's poor sales (only 300 copies) on the author's insistence on maintaining her anonymity.
John, Angela V. Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life, 1862-1952. Routledge, 1995.
Reviewers, however, mostly revealed her identify, and those who quarrelled with this book...


7 May 1915: The Cunard liner Lusitania was sunk by a...

National or international item

7 May 1915

The Cunard liner Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine.
Bruno, Leonard. On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Gale Research, 1993.
167, 186
Reynolds, David. “Too Proud to Fight”. London Review of Books, 28 Nov. 2002, pp. 29-31.

23 December 1919: The Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act received...

National or international item

23 December 1919

The Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act received royal assent. It removed restrictions based on sex or marriage which prevented women from entering professions, universities, and civic posts.
Pugh, Martin. Women and the Women’s Movement in Britain 1914 - 1959. Macmillan Education, 1992.
Law Reports: Statutes. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1866–2024.
(1919): 325-6
Lorwin, Val R., and Sarah Boston. “Great Britain”. Women and Trade Unions in Eleven Industrialized Countries, edited by Alice H. Cook et al., Temple University Press, 1984, pp. 140-61.
Murphy, Gillian. “Newly Available Archives: Papers of Helena Normanton”. Women’s Library Newsletter, 1 Sept.–28 Feb. 2007, p. back page.
back page

14 May 1920: Time and Tide began publication, offering...

Building item

14 May 1920

Time and Tide began publication, offering a feminist approach to literature, politics, and the arts: Naomi Mitchison called it the first avowedly feminist literary journal with any class, in some ways ahead of its time...

2 February 1927: Margaret Rhondda, as Chairman of the Equal...

National or international item

2 February 1927

Margaret Rhondda , as Chairman of the Equal Political Rights Campaign Committee , with many other suffrage veterans, signed a letter to the editor of The Times pressing for women to vote on equal terms...

1928: Members of the British Federation of University...

Building item


Members of the British Federation of University Women (later known as the British Federation of Women Graduates ) established the Sybil Campbell Libraryfor the study of the expansion of the role of women in...

31 October 1944: The Women's Press Club held its first annual...

Women writers item

31 October 1944

The Women's Press Club held its first annual general meeting, with Lady Rhondda as president.
“Records of the Women’s Press Club”. AIM25: London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.

November 1963: Hereditary peeresses (those few women inheriting...

National or international item

November 1963

Hereditary peeresses (those few women inheriting a peerage in their own right) were first admitted to the House of Lords .
Eoff, Shirley. Viscountess Rhondda: Equalitarian Feminist. Ohio State University Press, 1991.
United Kingdom Parliament.


Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. “Introduction”. Time and Tide Anthology, edited by Anthony Lejeune, A. Deutsch, 1956.
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Leisured Women. Hogarth Press, 1928.
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Notes on the Way. Macmillan, 1937.
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Notes on the Way. Books for Libraries Press, 1968.
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. This Was My World. Macmillan, 1933.
Astor, Nancy Witcher, Viscountess et al. “Women in Medical Schools”. Times, p. 12.