Elizabeth Lady Russell

Standard Name: Russell, Elizabeth,,, Lady
Used Form: Elizabeth, Lady Hoby


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Anne Locke
The title continues: Of the Markes of the Children of God and of their Comforts in Afflictions . . . . Its assertion that the original work, before translation, has been [o]verseene againe and augmented...
Family and Intimate relationships Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Lady Winifred's mother, Elizabeth Herbert, Baroness and eventually Duchess of Powis , came from an influential Catholic royalist family. One of her great-grand-mothers was the Renaissance translator Elizabeth Russell (one of the famous Cook sisters)...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Bacon
Elizabeth, Lady Russell 's translation of A Way of Reconciliation . . . Touching touching the Trueth [sic] Nature, and Substance of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament was printed.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Elizabeth Russell
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Bacon
Elizabeth (1528-1609), who was only a little younger than Anne, married Sir Thomas Hoby on 27 June 1558. It has been plausibly suggested that she contributed to his translation of Castiglione 's The Courtyer...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Lucy Herbert
Lady Lucy's mother, Elizabeth Herbert, Baroness and eventually Duchess of Powis , was born into the highest ranks of Catholic monarchists and through her father (Edward Somerset, second Marquess of Worcester , soldier, diplomat...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Hoby
Margaret Sidney married, reluctantly, Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby (whose mother, Elizabeth , was a letter-writer of distinction: one of the famously learned Cooke family and thus a sister of translator Anne Bacon ).
Hoby, Margaret. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Private Life of an Elizabethan Lady: The Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, 1599-1605, edited by Joanna Moody, Sutton, 1998, p. xv - lvii.
Literary responses Anne Locke
James Sanford in Houres of Recreation praised present-day noble Gentlewomen famous for their learning (including three of theCookesisters and Anne Dering, formerly Locke ) as equalling famous Greek and Roman women.
Felch, Susan M. “’Noble Gentlewomen famous for their learning’: The London Circle of Anne Vaughan Lock”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Mar. 2003, pp. 14-19.
15, 14
Publishing Anne Locke
The poem, elegantly transcribed, is contained in a presentation manuscript copy, now in Cambridge University Library, of Giardino cosmografico coltivato in Italian by Bartholo Sylva (who had come to England from Turin). The poem is...
Textual Production Eugenia
Scholar Maureen E. Mulvihill , on her website, reproduces the elaborate title-page of Edward Reynolds 's 1642 address to Queen Henrietta Maria by this name, Eugenia's Teares for great Brittaynes Distractions, and suggests a...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Judith Sargent Murray
She backs this pleasure in modernity with a remarkable grasp of former female history and of the women's literary tradition in English and its contexts. She mentions the Greek foremother Sappho , the patriotic heroism...


No timeline events available.


A Way of Reconciliation of a Good and Learned Man. Translator Russell, Elizabeth, Lady, The Right Honorable Elizabeth Russell, Dowager, R. Barker, 1605.