William Somerset Maugham

Standard Name: Maugham, William Somerset


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Violet Hunt
VH was recommended to the highly innovative, influential Review by her literary agent J. B. Pinker . The Coach, one of the short stories she submitted at this time, was published in the journal's...
Dedications Violet Hunt
Her agent J. B. Pinker sent the manuscript to William Heinemann , who agreed to publish it on the condition that Hunt should change its ending: she would not find an audience, he insisted, for...
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
VH had a brief sexual relationship with W. Somerset Maugham in Paris.
Belford, Barbara. Violet. Simon and Schuster, 1990.
Family and Intimate relationships George Egerton
Bright first had a column in the Evening Sun, and later wrote for the Daily Express and the Pall Mall Gazette. He was sub-editor at the Evening Sun and night-editor at the Daily...
Friends, Associates G. B. Stern
Other plums were Max Beerbohm , H. G. Wells , Somerset Maugham , J. B. Priestley , and Humbert Wolfe . Questioned by a reporter about the reason for the party, GBS suggested that she...
Friends, Associates F. Tennyson Jesse
Later, when FTJ was married to Harold Harwood and living at Cut Mill, her visitors included Geoffrey Faber , Alfred Knopf , and Somerset Maugham .
Colenbrander, Joanna. A Portrait of Fryn. A. Deutsch, 1984.
Friends, Associates Ada Leverson
By the 1920s most of AL 's earlier friends were either dead or living abroad. But she was sought out by the novelists Somerset Maugham and Ronald Firbank , and by Wilde's younger son, Vyvyan Holland
Friends, Associates Ella Hepworth Dixon
She often stayed with Count and Countess Lützow in Bohemia, where in 1903 she met Sibell, Countess of Cromartie , whom she described as one of my firmest friends ever since.
Dixon, Ella Hepworth. "As I Knew Them". Huchinson, 1930.
Through the...
Friends, Associates George Egerton
After the success of her Keynotes, GE became acquainted with the literary and intellectual world. Among her new acquaintances she expressed admiration for Havelock Ellis but called W. B. Yeats a poseur.
Egerton, George. A Leaf from the Yellow Book. Editor White, Terence de Vere, Richards Press, 1958.
Friends, Associates Julia Frankau
Literary figures regularly seen at JF 's afternoon salons included George Moore , Max Beerbohm , Arnold Bennett , Somerset Maugham , Sir William Nicholson , and Sir Henry Irving . It was at one...
Intertextuality and Influence Laurence Hope
Hope's subject-matter and reputation have made her the template for a number of fictionalisations and literary tributes. In 1906 O. R. Howard Thompson wrote a poem for The Critic on seeing her portrait, which praises...
Intertextuality and Influence Muriel Box
Street Corner is one of MB 's several (written and directed) quasi-feminist films in the 1950s, which take the woman's point of view in the male-dominated commercial cinema of her time.
Tylee, Claire M. et al., editors. War Plays by Women: An International Anthology. Routledge, 1999.
Its celebration of...
Literary responses Violet Hunt
Sooner or Later received (perhaps excessively) high praise from a number of VH 's contemporaries. Marie Belloc Lowndes (daughter of Bessie Rayner Parkes ) wrote in The Merry Wives of Westminster, 1946, that it...
Literary responses Nancy Mitford
The Blessing did not do so well as its two predecessors; Antonia Fraser feels that it marked a decline in fictional achievement.
Fraser, Antonia. “A Most Superior Street”. Spectator.co.uk. Champagne for the brain.
NM wrote that My Blessing has had the most awful reviews you ever...
Occupation Hélène Barcynska
As well as devoting steady time and effort to her writing, HB founded a theatre company which she called Rogues and Vagabonds Repertory Players , because she discovered the Welsh theatre culture and thought they...


1952: The seventy-eight-year-old Somerset Maugham...

Writing climate item


The seventy-eight-year-old Somerset Maugham confided to his former headmaster that he believed that the Order of Merit was something that they ought to award him, as the greatest living writer of English.
Tayler, Christopher. “I only want the OM”. London Review of Books, 1 Sept. 2005, pp. 19-22.


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