Storm Jameson

Standard Name: Jameson, Storm
Birth Name: Margaret Ethel Jameson
Nickname: Daisy
Self-constructed Name: Storm Jameson
Pseudonym: James Hill
Pseudonym: William Lamb
SJ was a prolific novelist with an intense commitment to political causes, especially pacifism, anti-fascism, artistic freedom, and various women's issues. Her fiction is generally thought of as realist or materialist in its techniques, and often draws liberally on fact (from her own life, historical events, and characteristics of actual people), though she experimented with its shape and matter more often than has been recognised. She also wrote political and polemical non-fiction, journalism, essays, literary criticism, and autobiography.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Amabel Williams-Ellis
Textual Production Amabel Williams-Ellis
Her completion of the novel was delayed and nearly prevented when she suffered a serious concussion; however, her friend Storm Jameson helped bring the text to publication by acting as proofreader and advisor.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Textual Production Vera Brittain
VB 's England's Hour, dedicated to Storm Jameson , gave an account of conditions in wartime Britain; its sales were adversely affected by its pacifist outlook.
qtd. in
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Textual Production Vera Brittain
Her chief reason for writing these letters, said VB , was the flow of correspondence coming to her from people asking how they could oppose the war, or making suggestions that women in particular should...
Textual Production Q. D. Leavis
She was addressing a close friend, Storm Jameson . In an unpublished letter written in January 1950, F. R. noted that this book was very largely my wife's work.
qtd. in
Singh, G., and Q. D. Leavis. F.R. Leavis: A Literary Biography. Duckworth, 1995.
In 1978, shortly after her...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
Assistant editors were Richard Aldington and Leonard Compton-Rickett , and later H. D. (when Aldington went to war in June 1916) and T. S. Eliot (from July 1917). Contributors of creative work and critical reviews...
Textual Production Stevie Smith
SS 's list of requisites for a critic or reviewer goes like this: Attention, impartiality, and no regard for age or sex.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage, 1983.
In April 1941 she was reviewing for John O'London's, Country Life...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Kathleen E. Innes
The pamphlet maintains that those who do not actually engage in the battle are perhaps in a position to make a saner judgment upon it as a whole than those who do.
Innes, Kathleen E. Women and War. Friends’ Peace Committee, 1934.
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.


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