Ezra Pound

Standard Name: Pound, Ezra
EP , American poet, critic, editor, translator, and key figure in the literary modernist movement, lived in London from 1908 to 1921, in Paris from 1921 to 1924, and then in Italy until the end of the Second World War. His vociferous, antisemitic support for Italian fascism earned him thirteen years in a US hospital for the criminally insane. He worked from 1917 until near the end of his life on his massive and generically multiple epic poem Cantos, which he published in serial fragments.


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Author summary Florence Farr
FF has received less attention for her own writing than for the role she played in men's: Shaw and Yeats created dramatic roles for her; Pound wrote poetry about her; and she put into practice...
Publishing T. S. Eliot
TSE published at New York his first work of literary criticism, Ezra Pound : His Metric and Poetry.
Gallup, Donald Clifford. T.S. Eliot: A Bibliography. Rev. and extended ed., Harcourt, Brace, 1969.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Publishing Natalie Clifford Barney
Remy de Gourmont published some of NCB 's poems in Mercure de France in 1910.
Wickes, George. The Amazon of Letters: The Life and Loves of Natalie Barney. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1976.
In 1921 Pound had two of her poems published in the transatlantic review, with the caption Arranged by...
Publishing Charlotte Mew
May Sinclair helped to introduce CM 's work to Ezra Pound , who received it enthusiastically and helped to get it published here. The Egoist unfortunately did not pay.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Pound also recommended that CM
Residence Bryher
Shari Benstock explains that the very wealthy Bryher had been advised to move to Switzerland for tax purposes. But Benstock also suggests that Bryher's Swiss home became a creative refuge for her and H. D...
Residence Harriet Shaw Weaver
In May 1934, faulty wiring in the flat below hers caused an electrical fire in the building. HSW 's first editions were protected by her glass-fronted bookcase, but other precious books and mementoes such as...
Textual Features Philip Larkin
His selection was resolutely unfashionable, favouring Hardy and Betjeman at the expense of Eliot and Pound . He was, however, remarkably generous in his selection of women poets (often for just one or two poems...
Textual Features May Sinclair
The piece on Flint links him with T. S. Eliot by using terms similar to those which Sinclair had used in reviewing The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, praising him as a modern...
Textual Features Carol Shields
The four voices belong to academic criticSarah Maloney, who came on the booklet of Swann's poems at a borrowed summer cottage, felt an astonished sense of discovery and sympathy, published the earliest criticism of the...
Textual Features Natalie Clifford Barney
Barney's translator Anna Livia describes these memoirs as a combination of war commentary, political theory, and an account of daily life in Fascist Italy. Despite NCB 's insistence that she is apolitical, her loyalties clearly...
Textual Features Laura Riding
LR has been credited with this book's first introduction into Britain of the word Modernism, which was already current in the USA. (Ten years later than this, Ezra Pound still believed that the movement...
Textual Features Dora Marsden
A marked difference separating The New Freewoman from its predecessor was its increased literary content, at first secured mainly by Rebecca West . West recruited Ezra Pound to The New Freewoman after meeting him at...
Textual Features Dora Marsden
Regarding the influence on each other of Imagism and Marsden's egoism, Andrew Thacker notes their shared emphases (from Bergson ) on the weaknesses of abstract rhetoric in art and politics, and their valuing of intuition...
Textual Features H. D.
This is war poetry which looks at the home front, like T. S. Eliot 's Four Quartets and Ezra Pound 's Pisan Cantos. It has been classified as epic.
Friedman, Susan Stanford. “’Remembering Shakespeare Always, But Remembering Him Differently’: H.D.’s By Avon River”. Sagetrieb, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June–30 Nov. 1983, pp. 45-70.
London under the bombing...
Textual Features Anne Stevenson
In the title-poem, each of five stanzas ends with a version of the first closing lines: we thought we were living now, / but we were living then.
Stevenson, Anne. Selected Poems, 1956-1986. Oxford University Press, 1987.
These we, it seems, are...


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