Helen C. Black

Standard Name: Black, Helen C.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Iza Duffus Hardy
IDH was born at Addlestone in Surrey (near Weybridge), the only (or at least the only surviving) child of writer Mary Anne Duffus Hardy .
Some sources give her date of birth as around...
Birth Dorothea Gerard
DG was born at New Monkland in Lanarkshire, Scotland, not far from Glasgow, the youngest but one in a family of seven in which three boys preceded four girls.
Memoirist Helen C. Black
Cultural formation Helen Mathers
Descriptions of her childhood in Helen Black 's Notable Women Authors of the Day indicate that she came from a comfortable English family in the gentry or upper middle class. Her father called himself a...
Cultural formation Sarah Grand
Although SG was born in Ireland, her parents were English, stemming from propertied and professional families respectively. Memoirist Helen C. Black described her as coming alike on each side from a race of artistic...
Education Emily Gerard
During her teens EG was sent to a large, Catholic, Swiss boarding-school, the Convent of the Sacré Coeur at Riedenburg near Bregenz on Lake Constance in Austria, with Princesses Marguerite and Alix, daughters of...
Education Sarah Grand
SG continued to teach herself throughout her life, mostly by reading on various subjects. Helen C. Black writes that SG particularly enjoyed non-fiction, such as natural history, physiology and other quasi-scientific subjects.
qtd. in
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
But her...
Family and Intimate relationships Helen Mathers
Helen Black , having interviewed HM at her home in Grosvenor Street, London, described her as essentially a domestic woman who gave the impression that her career was little more than a hobby.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. Maclaren, 1906.
72, 79
Family and Intimate relationships Iza Duffus Hardy
Thomas Duffus Hardy , later Sir Thomas, a civil servant and Deputy Keeper of Her Majesty's Records, was IDH 's father.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction. Longman, 1988.
Helen Black noted when Iza was approaching middle age that she bore a striking...
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Riddell
Some sources say that Ellen Kilshaw was of Scots descent, but CR clearly says her mother was English. Ellen was noted for her beauty, grace, and accomplishment. Past seventy and taking an elegiac tone in...
Friends, Associates Mary Anne Duffus Hardy
MADH moved in London society all her life and had many literary friends and acquaintances. Helen Black mentions her shelves of autograph copies of her friends' books, particularly those by S. C. Hall and Anna Maria Hall
Health Helen Mathers
As a result of being placed in a class of girls much older than herself, HM apparently worked so hard that quite suddenly her health broke down,
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. Maclaren, 1906.
and her education was cut short. Helen Black
Leisure and Society Helen Mathers
In the prime of her career, HM was an active member of fashionable society. According to Ludgate Monthly in November 1892, she was frequently seen at the various functions indispensible to Vanity Fair [though] she...
Leisure and Society Rhoda Broughton
RB was fond of dogs, and in her Oxford days was known for her habit of striding about the town followed by at least two (and usually more) pugdogs.
Sadleir, Michael. Things Past. Constable, 1944.
Ethel Arnold recalled a pug...
Leisure and Society Iza Duffus Hardy
IDH was, said Helen Black , as much at home with the needle as with the pen. A large patchwork coverlet of her workmanship was displayed on the couch in the living-room of the maisonette...
Leisure and Society Eliza Lynn Linton
ELL liked to give a helping hand to young writers. She particularly favoured the novelist Beatrice Harraden (more than forty years her junior, and just the kind of new woman whom Linton might have been...


No timeline events available.


Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce, 1893.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. Maclaren, 1906.
Black, Helen C. Pen, Pencil, Baton and Mask: Biographical Sketches. Spottiswoode, 1896.