Matthew Gregory Lewis

Standard Name: Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Used Form: M. G. Lewis
Used Form: Monk Lewis


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Anna Gordon
William Tytler was followed by many more in his interest in AG 's ballads. His son Alexander Fraser Tytler (Lord Woodhouselee) , Scott , Jamieson , Joseph Ritson , M. G. Monk Lewis , Robert Anderson
Literary responses Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
George Saintsbury in 1913 developed an attack on this book as very nearly consummate in badness. . . . a fair example of the worst imitations of Mrs. Radcliffe and Matthew Lewis conjointly, though without...
Literary responses Isabella Kelly
This novel was praised by the British Critic as entitled to no mean place among the better productions of this description.
qtd. in
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
The interesting characters, gripping incident, and unaffected language were singled out for praise.
qtd. in
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
Frederick S. Frank
Literary responses Isabella Kelly
The Critical felt that IK had disarmed reviewers by the humility of her preface.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
2d ser. 36 (1802): 117
Devendra P. Varma , who wrote that this book was a thundering success in its day...
Reception Isabella Kelly
It seems that the implicit link between Kelly and Lewis was noticed, for newspaper advertisements later this year announced that the two were collaborating on a novel—which made Lewis back off from their literary relationship...
Textual Production Harriet Lee
HL aimed to be a moral writer. She later told Hester Piozzi she had not read Lewis 's The Monk, since I am no wilful reader of wicked books.
Piozzi, Hester Lynch. The Piozzi Letters. Editors Bloom, Edward A. and Lillian D. Bloom, University of Delaware Press; Associated University Presses, 1989–2002, 6 vols.
2: 410 n7
Textual Production Andrea Levy
Texts that she mentions using for research include Mary Prince 's autobiography, Lady Nugent 's journal, Matthew Lewis 's Journal of a Residence among the Negroes in the West Indies, Mary Seacole 's Wonderful...
Textual Production Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
T. and R. Hughes published SSW 's anonymous 38-page chapbook The Castle Spectre; or, Family Horrors. A Gothic Story, derived from Matthew Lewis 's drama of the same title, 1796.
University of Alberta Libraries On-line Catalogue.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Maria Riddell
The diary records some of her literary tastes: she copied there a letter expressing her dislike of tragedies (which, no matter how moral, she felt to be harmful to the mind because of the violent...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sarah Green
M. G. Lewis is a more complicated case, treated with some nuance. SG admires The Monk but feels that after that Lewis's real talent was obscured by the baneful influence of German fiction: she agrees...
Wealth and Poverty Isabella Kelly
From the time of her first husband's death, IK lived in poverty. Henrietta Fordyce , whose life she wrote, died without finishing the will in which she intended to leave her a bequest. IK was...


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