William Makepeace Thackeray

Standard Name: Thackeray, William Makepeace


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Charles Dickens
As one of the leading literary figures of the period, CD had an extensive social network. His early acquaintances in publishing included Richard Bentley , William Harrison Ainsworth , and John Forster (who later became...
Friends, Associates Adelaide Procter
Kemble describes AP in this setting as looking already like a poet, with a preternaturally thoughtful, mournful expression for a little child.
Kemble, Fanny. Records of a Girlhood. Henry Holt, 1879.
She had, however, a strong sense of herself and her opinions, as...
Friends, Associates Mary Berry
Despite her relative poverty, MB moved easily in circles of the great and the good. Her closest friends were Anne Damer (whose death in 1828 was a terrible loss), Joanna Baillie (whom in 1831 she...
Friends, Associates Flora Annie Steel
Before this disaster her parents's house was frequented by such people as the author William Makepeace Thackeray and the illustrator George Cruikshank .
Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann, 1981.
Friends, Associates Jane Welsh Carlyle
JWC attended a party given by Thackeray for Charlotte Brontë .
Surtees, Virginia. Jane Welsh Carlyle. Michael Russell, 1986.
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
Through the theological writer Dr Robert Herbert Brabant (an early admirer of George Eliot), Lynn at this time met Walter Savage Landor , whom she had long admired, and with whom she became close friends...
Friends, Associates Lucie Duff Gordon
Her friends and acquaintances included (besides Caroline Norton , a particularly close friend) politicians Lord Lansdowne and Lord Monteagle ; writers William Thackeray , Charles Dickens , Emily Eden , Elliot Warburton , Alfred Tennyson
Friends, Associates Jane Welsh Carlyle
JWC criticized the party, which was also attended by Elizabeth Gaskell , William Thackeray , and Tom Taylor .
Surtees, Virginia. Jane Welsh Carlyle. Michael Russell, 1986.
Around this time JWC also met Frédéric François Chopin , who played her piano, and Caroline Norton .
Surtees, Virginia. Jane Welsh Carlyle. Michael Russell, 1986.
Friends, Associates Frances Sarah Hoey
In order to help establish herself, the future FSH took with her an introduction from William Carleton to William Thackeray .
Edwards, Peter David. Frances Cashel Hoey, 1830-1908: A Bibliography. Department of English, University of Queensland, 1982.
Friends, Associates Jane Loudon
As well as horticultural and artistic friends and associates, JL and her husband had literary friends, who included Robert Chambers and his wife Anne , Elizabeth Gaskell , Mary Howitt , Julia Kavanagh , Charles Dickens
Friends, Associates Caroline Norton
But her reputation was such that even friendships were minefields: a friendly relationship with Thackeray exposed her firstly to a direct snub from his friend, or lover, Jane Brookfield (who refused to meet the notorious...
Friends, Associates Anne Ogle
The success of AO 's first novel introduced her to England's literary circles. She knew the BrowningRobert Browning s, the CarlyleThomas Carlyle s, the ThackerayWilliam Makepeace Thackeray s, Tennyson , and Swinburne . She also kept company with Mary Louisa Molesworth .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Meyers, Terry L. “Swinburne Reshapes His Grand Passion: A Version by ’Ashford Owen’”. Victorian Poetry, Vol.
, No. 1, West Virginia University, 1 Mar.–31 May 1993, pp. 111-15.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Rigby
ER appeared in public as Mrs Eastlake for the first time at the house of Lady Davy , where she was introduced to Augusta Ada Byron (Byron's daughter) and to Thackeray . At London parties...
Friends, Associates Catherine Gore
CG was acquainted with a number of important literary figures. Before leaving London for the Continent she attended an assembly given by Rosina Bulwer-Lytton to which Disraeli , Lady Morgan , and Letitia Landon also...
Health Adelaide Procter
AP 's health was poor from an early age. A letter from William Thackeray describes her at the age of fourteen as vomiting basins of blood. She went to Italy for a year in 1853-54...


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