William Makepeace Thackeray

Standard Name: Thackeray, William Makepeace


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Author summary Anne Thackeray Ritchie
ATR produced, mostly during the later nineteenth century, twenty-one books of fiction, essays, and literary memoirs.
Shankman, Lillian F., and Anne Thackeray Ritchie. “Biographical Commentary and Notes”. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: Journals and Letters, edited by Abigail Burnham Bloom et al., Ohio State University Press, 1994, p. various pages.
Her biographical prefaces to her famous father 's novels are best known, but she was also a major...
Author summary Margaret Forster
Margaret Forster 's tally of books, which began to appear in the later twentieth century, neared forty. They run the gamut from novels at one end to history and biography at the other, emphasising the...
Publishing Anne Marsh
Harriet Martineau was amazed when AM first read her one of these tales, The Admiral's Daughter, and felt that their hostess later that evening (Sarah Wedgwood ) must have been almost equally amazed...
Publishing Sarah Tytler
She then began producing novels in earnest: four appeared between 1859 and 1861.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
In 1861 (just before her sister Mary died) ST summoned the courage to submit a story to the illustrious Cornhill. In...
Publishing Blanche Warre Cornish
During the same year, 1911, BWC contributed Thackeray and his Father's Family to the Cornhill (new series 31), and the following year, 1912, she contributed An Impression of Thackeray in his Last Years to the...
Publishing Margaret Forster
This is affectionately dedicated to Gordon Forster, Esq.—a suitably Victorian designation for the author's brother.
Forster, Margaret. William Makepeace Thackeray. Secker and Warburg, 1978.
It is illustrated with Thackeray 's own delightful line-drawings.
Publishing Margaret Forster
MF followed this in 1984 with an edited selection of Thackeray 's own genuine writing, again illustrated with his own sketches: Drawn from Life: The Journalism of William Makepeace Thackeray. This book aims to...
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
Strained in her relationship with Dickens , and despite not entirely easy relations with Thackeray , EG placed Curious if True in the first issue of Thackeray's new Cornhill Magazine in February 1860.
Some pressure...
Publishing Caroline Clive
After she became established as a novelist, CC was approached by the editors of the new Once a Week in April 1859 with a request to write a serial for them: she was their first...
Publishing Caroline Clive
The first number of the Cornhill, January 1860, carried a poem by CC which the editor, Thackeray , called noble and touching, but after he declined another poem submitted that April Clive contributed nothing further.
qtd. in
Mitchell, Charlotte. Caroline Clive, 1801-1873, A Bibliography. Victorian Fiction Research Unit, Department of English, The University of Queenland, 1999.
Reception Caroline Norton
H. F. Chorley , reviewing for the Athenæum, considered this the most melancholy tale he could recall, and argued that it was not wholesome or an accurate depiction of nature to argue via fiction...
Reception Lucy Walford
In 1887 Coventry Patmore said of LW that her depictions of contemporary life far surpassed those of Dickens , Thackeray , Trollope , Eliot , and Gaskell , declaring her work to be equalled only...
Reception Martin Ross
When the World's Classics blurb likened Francie Fitzpatrick to Thackeray 's Becky Sharp, the eighty-nine-year-old ES wrote to tell them this was idiotic.
qtd. in
Collis, Maurice. Somerville and Ross: A Biography. Faber and Faber, 1968.
Reception L. E. L.
The merits of annuals in general were debated, and with some their contents became a byword for poor literary quality. Thus although Christian Isobel Johnstone considered LEL's Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book for 1836 to...
Reception Hannah More
Responses to More's tracts, as to most of her work, reflected their deliberately controversial project. She was widely praised for them among her own class. Someone said she let the poor know that the rich...


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