Naomi Royde-Smith

Standard Name: Royde-Smith, Naomi
Birth Name: Naomi Gwladys Holroyd Smith
Self-constructed Name: Naomi Royde-Smith
Indexed Name: N. G. Royde-Smith
Indexed Name: Naomi Gwladys Royde-Smith
Married Name: Naomi Gwladys Milton
NRS 'a most important literary work included serving as midwife to the writings of others. She also published prodigiously, from early in the twentieth century: nearly forty novels, besides short stories, anthologies and compilations, biographies, reviews and criticism, four plays, and books about railways and other forms of transport.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Butts
During her second marriage MB took up with spiritualist practices such as automatic writing. Near the end of her life, she became a convinced Anglo-Catholic . Naomi Royde-Smith (herself a Catholic convert) suggested that Butts...
Dedications Rose Macaulay
RM published her second and final collection of poetry, Three Days, dedicated to Naomi Royde-Smith ; many of the poems have war and post-war themes.
Bensen, Alice. Rose Macaulay. Twayne, 1969.
54, 60
Family and Intimate relationships Hélène Barcynska
In her first book of autobiography, HB always calls Evans the man. Naomi Royde-Smith thought him the most savage satirist since Swift . HB at once quarrelled with Leslie about him. The day after...
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
Friends who attended the house-warming of her London flat included Naomi Royde-Smith , Rupert Brooke , and Walter de la Mare .
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
In 1921 RM was spending several nights a week in a room she rented in the large house of writer Naomi Royde-Smith at 44 Prince's Gardens, Kensington.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Chosen by Royde-Smith as a...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Bowen
Through her old headmistress, EB met Rose Macaulay , who introduced her to Naomi Royde-Smith . Royde-Smith helped her to get the first of her writing into print.
Hoogland, Renée C. Elizabeth Bowen: A Reputation in Writing. New York University Press, 1994.
Friends, Associates Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH knew and worked closely with the Labour leader Ramsay MacDonald , though her early intense admiration for him diminished with time. Up to the year after publishing her book on him (which was also...
Friends, Associates Pamela Frankau
Her aunt Eliza Aria introduced the very young PF to many of her older, god-like friends: first of all actress Sybil Thorndike and writers Michael Arlen and Osbert Sitwell .
Frankau, Pamela. I Find Four People. I. Nicholson and Watson, 1935.
Later came John Van Druten
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
Michael Sadleir first took Jameson to the Thursday evening salons hosted by Naomi Royde-Smith at her Queen's Gate home. These gatherings were attended by Rose Macaulay , Arnold Bennett , Edward Marsh , and Frank Swinnerton
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
After her rift with Naomi Royde-Smith , RM began associating more with the Bloomsbury group and with the Friday Hampstead Circle.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Literary responses Sylvia Townsend Warner
A Spectator reviewer felt that there were many possible interpretations of the book: an attack on foreign missions and traditional religions, a skit on methods of salvation, pure nonsense, and a sad tale of a...
Literary responses May Sinclair
Naomi Royde-Smith found this novel unprecedently forgettable for MS .
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Literary responses Mary Martha Sherwood
Virginia Woolf 's Kitty Malone in The Years has read The History of the Fairchild Family. Naomi Royde-Smith dedicated her book on MMS to her parents, who in the year 1884 when a bachelor...
Literary responses Kate O'Brien
KOB called this not a historical novel, but an invention rising from reflection on its central characters.
qtd. in
Reynolds, Lorna. Kate O’Brien: A Literary Portrait. Colin Smythe; Barnes and Noble, 1987.
Naomi Royde-Smith , however, reviewed it as not only KOB 's best novel to date but also...
Literary responses Mary Martha Sherwood
Naomi Royde-Smith thought equally highly of this novel both as child and as adult reader.
Royde-Smith, Naomi, and Denis Dighton. The State of Mind of Mrs. Sherwood. Macmillan, 1946.


No timeline events available.


Royde-Smith, Naomi. A Balcony. E. Benn, 1927.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. A Private Anthology. Constable, 1924.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. All Star Cast. Macmillan, 1936.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Children in the Wood. Constable, 1928.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. For Us in the Dark. Macmillan, 1937.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Jake: A Novel. Macmillan, 1935.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Jane Fairfax. Macmillan.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Love and a Birdcage. R. Hale, 1960.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Madam Julia’s Tale. V. Gollancz, 1932.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Melilot. R. Hale, 1955.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Mrs. Siddons. V. Gollancz, 1931.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Outside Information. Macmillan, 1941.
Royde-Smith, Naomi, and Roger Packman Hinks. Pictures and People. V. Gollancz, 1930.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Pilgrim from Paddington. A. Barker, 1933.
Royde-Smith, Naomi, editor. Poets of Our Day. Methuen, 1908.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. “Proof”.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Tales and Stories from Spenser’s Faery Queene. Dent, 1905.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Altar-Piece. Macmillan, 1939.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Bridge. Gollancz, 1932.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Delicate Situation. V. Gollancz, 1931.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Double Heart. Hamish Hamilton, 1931.
Royde-Smith, Naomi et al. The Idol and the Shrine. Hollis and Carter, 1949.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Island: a Love Story. Constable, 1930.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Lover. Constable, 1928.
Supervielle, Jules, and Muriel Broderick. The Ox and the Ass at the Manger. Translator Royde-Smith, Naomi, Hollis and Carter, 1945.